Photo of WPNLA Soldiers on War Declaration Event at Yambi Hearquater Highlands of West Papua on January 27rd 2018 |
On behalf of the West Papua National
Liberation Army High Officer OF (TPNPB), Three General in National Command High
Commander-in-Chief, Deputy Commander and Chief of General Staff, I, as Chief of
Operations Commander of West PAPua
National Liberation Army (TPNPB), officially announced the Revolution Stages
through the war declaration on this date January 27th , 2018.
Based on the functions of high-ranking officers of Chief of Operations Commander Headquarters in charge of three forces of the Republic of West Papua, as mandated by the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of West Papua Year 1971, is the Army (Army), Air Force and Navy.
With this in mind the wishes of all the people of the Nation of Papua, to be independent and sovereign to become a state, then the only one we must seize independence from the colonial state of Indonesia is with war as a solution to the realization of independence of the West Papuan nation.
Colonialism and all forms of injustice and sacrifice the lives of West Papuan people over the entire homeland of West Papua should be abolished, for the sake of the safety of the people, as well as all the resources of natural wealth and independence of the people of West Papua.
Therefore I announce to all the people of Papua, the countries of the world, to the colonial of the Republic of Indonesia and to all West Papua National Liberation Army soldiers throughout the West Papuan homeland as follows:
1. Beginning in the first month of 2018, the general mobilization of all West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) soldiers to 29th Defence Region Command ( KODAP) in Papua land, to revolutionize the stages against the invaders to claim the right of independence of the West Papuan people;
2. All foreign companies on Papuan land must be forcibly closed, and the main and more specific are "Freeport Gold Mining in Tembagapura Papua and Petroleum Oil, Refinery in Kalamono-Sele, Sorong West Papua and also Gas LNG BP in Babo Bintuni West Papua;
3. For the sake of the realization of Papuan independence, all the ideological differences of the united struggle in the implementation of the revolution together, come into force since the war declaration of this was announced.
4. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall immediately approve the implementation of free elections for self-determination of the people of West Papua.
5. As long as Indonesia occupies our homeland, the war's resistance continues until Papuan independence becomes real.
6. When causing the consequences of this udeclaration, any West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) soldiers and enemies of the TNI and POLRI shall be subject to the guidelines of the provisions or rules of war of the determined National Command of West Papua National Liberation Army (WPNLA-TPNPB).
7. War for the sake of the struggle for independence of the people of Papua began to take effect officially today, then all the people of Papua ask for blessing.
Thus the declaration, to all nations and all the people of Papua. May God Help Our Struggle. Watch the videos statement on declaration of War click here, ULTIMATUM PERANG (War Declaration by West Papua National Liberation Army) and also click, Pernyataan Tutup Freeport; Prajurit TPNPB Uji Kekuatan Perang
Based on the functions of high-ranking officers of Chief of Operations Commander Headquarters in charge of three forces of the Republic of West Papua, as mandated by the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of West Papua Year 1971, is the Army (Army), Air Force and Navy.
With this in mind the wishes of all the people of the Nation of Papua, to be independent and sovereign to become a state, then the only one we must seize independence from the colonial state of Indonesia is with war as a solution to the realization of independence of the West Papuan nation.
Colonialism and all forms of injustice and sacrifice the lives of West Papuan people over the entire homeland of West Papua should be abolished, for the sake of the safety of the people, as well as all the resources of natural wealth and independence of the people of West Papua.
Therefore I announce to all the people of Papua, the countries of the world, to the colonial of the Republic of Indonesia and to all West Papua National Liberation Army soldiers throughout the West Papuan homeland as follows:
1. Beginning in the first month of 2018, the general mobilization of all West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) soldiers to 29th Defence Region Command ( KODAP) in Papua land, to revolutionize the stages against the invaders to claim the right of independence of the West Papuan people;
2. All foreign companies on Papuan land must be forcibly closed, and the main and more specific are "Freeport Gold Mining in Tembagapura Papua and Petroleum Oil, Refinery in Kalamono-Sele, Sorong West Papua and also Gas LNG BP in Babo Bintuni West Papua;
3. For the sake of the realization of Papuan independence, all the ideological differences of the united struggle in the implementation of the revolution together, come into force since the war declaration of this was announced.
4. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall immediately approve the implementation of free elections for self-determination of the people of West Papua.
5. As long as Indonesia occupies our homeland, the war's resistance continues until Papuan independence becomes real.
6. When causing the consequences of this udeclaration, any West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) soldiers and enemies of the TNI and POLRI shall be subject to the guidelines of the provisions or rules of war of the determined National Command of West Papua National Liberation Army (WPNLA-TPNPB).
7. War for the sake of the struggle for independence of the people of Papua began to take effect officially today, then all the people of Papua ask for blessing.
Thus the declaration, to all nations and all the people of Papua. May God Help Our Struggle. Watch the videos statement on declaration of War click here, ULTIMATUM PERANG (War Declaration by West Papua National Liberation Army) and also click, Pernyataan Tutup Freeport; Prajurit TPNPB Uji Kekuatan Perang
NRP: 731200.00.004
In Malay Indonesian

Atas nama Perwira Tinggi Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat
(TPNPB), Tiga Jendral Komando Nasional yaitu Panglima Tinggi, Wakil Panglima
dan Kepala Staf Umum maka, saya selaku Kepala Staf Operasi Komando Nasional
TPNPB, Umumkan secara resmi Revolusi
Tahapan melalui Ultimatum Perang pada hari ini tanggal 27 Januari 2018.
Berdasarkan fungsi jabatan perwira tinggi Kepala Staf Operasi Markas
Besar yang membawahi tiga angkatan perang Republik Papua Barat, sebagaimana
amanat Konstitusi Sementara Republik Papua Barat Tahun 1971, adalah Angkatan
Darat (Army), angkatan Udara (Air Force) dan angkatan Laut (Navy).
Dengan ini mengingat keinginan segenap rakyat Bangsa Papua, untuk
merdeka dan berdaulat penuh menjadi suatu negara, maka satu-satunya kita harus
merebut kemerdekaan dari penjajahan negara Indonesia adalah dengan perang
sebagai solusi terwujudnya kemerdekaan bangsa Papua Barat.
Penjajahan dan segala bentuk ketidakadilan serta
pengorbanan nyawa rakyat bangsa Papua Barat di atas seluruh tanah air Papua
Barat harus dihapuskan, demi keselamatan rakyat, serta semua sumber kekayaan
alam dan kemerdekaan rakyat bangsa Papua Barat.
Oleh karena itu saya umumkan kepada segenap rakyat
Papua, negara-negara di dunia, kepada kolonial Indonesia dan kepada semua prajurit
Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat di seluruh tanah air Papua Barat sebagai
1. Mulai pada bulan pertama tahun 2018 ini,
segerah mobilisasi umum bagi semua prajurit TPNPB pada 29 KODAP se-tanah Papua,
untuk melakukan revolusi tahapan melawan penjajah demi menuntut hak kemerdekaan
bangsa Papua Barat;
2. Semua perusahaan asing di atas tanah Papua
harus ditutup secara paksa, dan yang terutama dan lebih khusus adalah “PT. Freeport Indonesia di Tembagapura Papua
dan Kilang Minyak, Gas Bumi di Kalamono-Sele, Sorong dan LNG BP di Babo Bintuni
Papua Barat;
3. Demi terwujudnya kemerdekaan bangsa Papua,
semua perbedaan ideologi perjuangan bersatu dalam pelaksanaan revolusi secara
bersama, mulai berlaku sejak ultimatum perang ini diumumkan.
4. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia segera
menyetujui pelaksanaan pemilihan bebas hak penentuan nasib sendiri bagi rakyat
bangsa Papua Barat.
5. Selama Indonesia menduduki tanah air kami,
perlawanan perang terus sampai kemerdekaan bangsa Papua menjadi nyata.
6. Apabila menyebabkan akibat dari ultimatum
ini, setiap prajurit TPNPB dan musuh TNI dan POLRI wajib tunduk pada pedoman
ketentuan atau aturan perang Komando Nasional TPNPB yang telah ditentukan.
7. Perang demi perjuangan kemerdekaan bangsa
Papua mulai berlaku secara resmi pada hari ini, maka segenap rakyat bangsa Papua
memohon dukungan doa restu.
Demikian Ultimatum ini, kepada segenap bangsa-bangsa dan segenap rakyat
Papua. Semoga Tuhan Menolong Perjuangan Kita.
NRP: 731200.00.004
Republished by Admin
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