Why is it rejected? Because with rational and reasonable reasons.
In this case the colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia has only tried to channel humanitarian aid to the Ndugama community who fled to Wamena, after reporting through Indonesian various medias about 139th refugees who died as a result of illness and hunger.
On Monday, July 29th, 2019, Indonesian medias reported that the Indonesian Government through the Ministry of Social Affairs had distributed aid to Nduga refugees worth Rp. 3,068,000,000.00 (Three Billions and sixty eight millions IDR) or around $ 218,858.0923USD.
In this case, we consider that the Indonesian Government is too late to provide assistance, because 139th people have also died, and the war between the TPNPB-OPM and the Indonesian Military conflicts have passed the Six month.
And also the military operations in the Ndugama region that were very brutal, and inhuman which could be carried out by the Indonesian Military and Police. The government considered normal, and never monitored.
Because Indonesian Military Leaders and Police in Papua
always carry out cheap propaganda to cover up their crimes against humanity from
the monitoring of the International Medias and also human rights workers.
In this case the KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters always releases press
releases every week during the war in Ndugama, namely from December 4th,
2018 to July 31th, 2019.
And the TPNPB-OPM report on Ndugama for 8th months is true and can be accounted for, because the TPNPB-OPM report is directly from Ndugama through the TPNPB-OPM Courier.
As such, we consider that the Indonesian Government's assistance is not in good faith, but rather using pretend for imaging.
In connection with this rejection, the KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters Management has just received a report directly from Wamena by TPNPB-OPM Courier.
We TPNPB-OPM received the report at 10:20 pm, or Night time in East Papua. In the TPNPB-OPM Courier report mentioning the attitude of rejection, and the reason.
For that, please follow the reasons for rejection below:
Nduga Refugees requested
assistance must go through NGOs, the
Church, and the Nduga humanitarian volunteer team. Because customary law in the
culture of the Nduga tribe or generally the tribes in the Central Highlands of West
Papua have customary law that is very inherent, and should not be violated. So
in this case, the person who becomes the opponent or the enemy cannot eat
together or may not accept foods or anything from their hands. Because it has
not been reconciled;
2. The Indonesian Government in Jakarta immediately stopped Military Operations in Ndugama, and must withdraw the military, namely the TNI / Polri in the shortest possible time from the Nduga region in particular and in general West Papua;
3. All Nduga figures agreed that asking the Indonesian Government to recognize the struggle of the TPNPB-OPM and provide the right of independence for the Papuan nation, which must be free from colonialism by Indonesia, and full independence like other nations of this world.
2. The Indonesian Government in Jakarta immediately stopped Military Operations in Ndugama, and must withdraw the military, namely the TNI / Polri in the shortest possible time from the Nduga region in particular and in general West Papua;
3. All Nduga figures agreed that asking the Indonesian Government to recognize the struggle of the TPNPB-OPM and provide the right of independence for the Papuan nation, which must be free from colonialism by Indonesia, and full independence like other nations of this world.
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The Indonesian Journalist's also witnessed on the rejected (pic TPNPB Courier) |
reason is because of foods aid from the beginning the Indonesian social
ministry distributed 3, 6 billion IDR, but the Indonesian military from KODAM
XVII Cenderawasih handled and made foods warehouses at the Indonesian Military
Headquarters in Wamena, Papua.
And the TNI plan to deliver to the homes of the Ndugama Refugee Community in Wamena, while taking pictures as a Foreign Ministry document for the campaign that the Nduga Refugee People we, the Indonesian government serve this and good and other propaganda for the sake of the image of the Indonesian military and police to cover up their crimes for 8th months in Ndugama, Papua.
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Ndugama Refugees Condition |
And We, the people of Nduga, see the evil intentions of the Military and the
Indonesian Government, so we refused. Because the
Indonesian military and police killed us, and also because of their crimes against
humanity in the land Ndugama in Nduga tribe owner land, so they fled to Wamena,
but their help (the Indonesian military) that governed it was not reasonable.
Why? Because the person who drove us out of our hometown, but pretend wanted to be kind. This is cute!
In this case, we all Papuans also assume that the Indonesian Military and Police in Papua are criminals and enemies.
there is no words of compromise with criminals, who are come to our land and
stealing our natural resources.
This is the report of the refusal of the Ndugama refugee community in Wamena, which was received by the TPNPB-OPM Headquarters on Wednesday July 31th 2019, hopefully this report opens the eyes of the world, and especially the United Nations.
TPNPB-OPM Courier Report (NK), and forwarded to all journalists and
human rights workers around the world by TPNPB-OPM spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom.
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Ndugama War conflict area Location can see on the map, there is Indonesian Military Operations zone (pic Lewis Prai W) |
Into the Indonesian Malay as follow...!!!
Masyarakat Pengungsi Ndugama Di
Wamena Menolak Bantuan Pemerintah Indonesia Melalui Menteri Sosial
ditolak? Karena dengan alasan yang rasional dan masuk akal.
hal ini Pemerintah colonial republic Indonesia baru mencoba untuk menyalurkan
bantuan kemanusiaan kepada Masyarakat Ndugama yang mengunsi ke Wamena, setelah
pemberitaan melaui media-media Indonesia tentang 139 Pengungsi Nduga Meninggal
akibat Penyakit dan kelaparan.
Pada hari senin Tanggal 29 Juli 2019,
media-media Indonesia memberitakan bahwa Pemerintah Indonesia melalui
Kementerian Sosial telah menyalurkan bantuan kepada pengungsi Nduga senilai Rp.
3,068, 000,000.00 (terbilang Tiga Milyar enam puluh Delapan juta rupiah) atau
sekitar $ 218,858.0923USD.
hal ini, Kami menilai bahwa Pemerintah Indonesia sangat terlambat untuk
memberikan bantuan, Karena sudah 139 masyrakat also Nduga telah meninggal, dan
konflik perang antara TPNPB dan Militer Indonesia telah lewat enam bulan.
Juga operasi militer di wilayah Ndugama yang sangat brutal, dan tidak manusiawi,
dimana dapat dilakukan Oleh Militer dan
Polisi Indonesia Pemerintah anggap hal biasa.
Karena Pimpinan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Papua selalu melakukan
propaganda murahan untuk menutupi kejahatan merdeka dari pantauan Media Internasional
dan juga para pekerja HAM.
hal ini Markas pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM selalu mengeluarkan Siaran pers setiap
minggu selama perang di Ndugama, yaitu dari sejak tanggal 4 Desember 2018 sempai
dengan Tanggal 31 Juli 2019.
laporan TPNPB-OPM tidak pernah ditanggapi Oleh semua pihak, tapi Kami bersyukur
Karena Hanya Pemerintah Selandia Baru saja yang menanggapi laporan TPNPB-OPM
yang selalu di Update melalui Diplomat TPNPB-OPM di Australia, yaitu Tuan
Amatus Douw dan Tuan Lewis Prai Welip.
laporan TPNPB-OPM tentang Ndugama Selama 8 bulan adalah benar dan dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan, Karena laporan TPNPB-OPM langsung dari Ndugama melalui
demikian, maka kami menilai bahwa bantuan Pemerintah Indonesia bukan dengan
niat baik, melainkan bantuan berpura-Pura Untuk pencitraan.
Dengan penolakan ini, maka Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM baru saja Terima
laporan langsung dari Wamena Oleh Kurir TPNPB-OPM.
TPNPB-OPM terima laporan pukul 10:20 Malam waktu Papua Timur. Dalam laporan
Kurir TPNPB-OPM menyebutkan sikap penolakan, dan alasannya.
Untuk itu silakan
ikuti Alasan penolakan dibawah ini:
1. Pengungsi Nduga meminta bantuan harus melalui jalur LSM, Gereja, dan tim relawan kamanusiaan Nduga. Sebab Hukum adat dalam
budaya Suku Nduga atau
pada umumnya Suku-suku di Pegunungan Tengah Papua mempunya hukum Adat yang
sangat melekat, dan tidak boleh dilanggar. Jadi dalam hal ini, orang yang jadi lawan atau musuh itu tidak boleh
Bersama atau tidak boleh Terima makanan
atau pun sesuatu dari tangan mereka.
Karena belum berdamai;
2. Pemerintah Indonesia di Jakarta segera hentikan Operasi Militer di Ndugama, dan harus Tarik militer yaitu TNI/Polri dalam waktu se-singkat-singkatnya dari Daerah Nduga khususnya dan pada umumnya Papua Barat;
3. Semua tokoh Nduga sepakat bahwa meminta Pemerintah Indonesia mengakui perjuangan TPNPB-OPM dan memberikan Hak kemerdekaan bagi bangsa Papua, yaitu harus bebas dari Penjajahan Oleh Indonesia, dan Merdeka Penuh seperti bangsa-bangsa lain Dunia ini.
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Kondisi Pengungsi Warga Nduga di Hutan |
lain adalah Karena bantuan bahan makanan dari Awalnya
kementerian sosial Indonesia menyalurkan 3, 6 Milyar
IDR, tapi Militer Indonesia dari KODAM XVII Cenderawasih yang tangani dan bikin
gudang makanan di Markas Militer Indonesia
di Wamena, Papua.
TNI yang antar ke rumah-rumah
Masyarakat Pengungsi Ndugama yang
Ada di Wamena, sambil ambil gambar sebagai dokumen kementerian Luar Negeri untuk kampanye bahwa Rakyat pengungsi Nduga kami
pemerintah Indonesia layani begini dan baik dan
lain-lain propaganda Demi pencitraan nama baik Militer dan Polisi Indonesia
untuk menutupi kejahatan mereka selama 8 Bulan di Ndugama, Papua.
Kami msayarakat Nduga Lihat niat jahat Militer dan Pemerintah Indonesia ini,
maka Kami tolak. Karena Militer dan Polisi Indonesia yang membunuh Kami, dan
juga akibat kejahatan mereka di Tanah seat kmai, sehingga kmai mengungsi ke
Wamena, tapi justru bantuan mereka (militer Indonesia) yang atur itu kan tidak
masuk akal.
Karena orang yang mengusir kami dari kampung halaman Kami, tapi pura-Pura mau
berbaik hati. Ini kan lucuh!
Dalam hal
ini, Kami semua orang also Papua anggap bahwa Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di
Papua adalah penjahat dan Musuh. Oleh Karena itu tidak Ada kata kompromi Dengan
Penjahat, yang dating bunch Kami dan mencuri sumber daya alam Kami.
laporan penolakan Masyrakat pengungsi Ndugama di Wamena, yang telah di Terima Markas
Pusat KKOMNAS TPNPB-OPM pada hari Rabu Tanggal 31 Juli 2019, semoga laporan ini
membuka mata dunia, dan yang terutama PBB.
Laporan Kurir
TPNPB-OPM (NK), dan diteruskan kepada
semua journalis dan para Pekerja HAM di seluruh dunia Oleh Jubir TPNPB-OPM Tuan
Sebby Sambom.
Publish by Admin
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