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From Right, Bridgen Lekagak Telenggen Center With his both Personel of TPNPB-OPM 2017 in Highlands of West Papua |
The statement by TPBPB-OPM through the Field Operations Commander Bridgen Lekagak Telenggen as follows:
Bridgen LEKAGAK TELENGGEN as the Field Operation
Commander of the West Papua National Liberation Army in West Papua from Sorong
to Merauke under the Leadership of Gen. Goliath Tabuni responded to a number of
Indonesian Government statements by both the police and the TNI or Military through
online medias of his troops engaged in FREEPORT INDONESIA minig AREAL that the
Armed Crime Group (KKB),
Unknown Persons (OTK), Security Disturbers Movement (GPK), and separatists.
we reject the
stratagems that the Indonesian polices and military are presenting to the West
Papua National Liberation Army.
In this case, according to Bridgen Lekagak Telenggen, all
of them are in accordance with the work of the National Command, the West Papua
National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM), which fought from sorong to samarai, so
that there is action of the Stage and Total Revolutions if what the 4 kodap
move is true is
TPNPB Pure and there is no bargaining, and it is clearly the demands of West
Papua Independence.
All that we've coordinated and all troops will be the
American company's siege, with a loud tone through his cell phone from Jambi
Puncak Jaya, Highlands of West Papua.
The local media crew asked him that he was not afraid of
disturbing Freeport the threat of US troops against the West Papuan National
Liberation Army (TPNPB)?
But Bridgen Lekagak Telenggen acknowledges that we are ready to split the homeland to death, therefore we hope that all Indonesian Militarys or Polices and AMERICAN troops come and recognize the sovereignty of West Papua State.
According to Brigen Lekaga Telenggen I with all the
soldiers from 29st Region Defend Commands (Kodap) of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB)
have targeted that we will die in Freeport Mining area there until the confession
fell Bridgen Lekagak Telenggen said.
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Photos of the Soldiers of West Papua Nasional Liberation Army in National Command 2017 (pic doc-TiruanW) |
The opportunity was Commander of Military Field Operation
of West Papua National Liberation Army under the leadership of General Goliath
Tabuni confirms that today the war in Tembagapura is Pure Troops National
Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM), I strictly prohibit to any party to
be mediator for Negotiation in the field with troops I
was led by 4 Region Defend Command (kodap) of TPNPB there: TPNPB-OPM led by Region Defend Command (Kodap) Kali Kopi or called Kodap III
Mimika, Kodap 8 Tembagapura, covering Intan Jaya and two other Defend Region Command (Kodap)
of West Papua National Liberation Army.
So I as Commander of Field Operations of West Papua
National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) hopes that the Parties of the Government
and the Churches Please secure the Community there because TPNPB-OPM remain
opposed to Indonesians Military and the Polices continue until Free West Papua.
Bridgen LEKAGAK TELENGGEN said whatever would happen
there the field operation commander of West Papua National Liberation Army said
that we are ready to be responsible and Freeport must be close immediately
until West Papua full Independence.
Related to that, Bridgen Lekagak Telenggen confirms that
all TPNPB-OPM united and we attack the World's kitchen to the point of blood end
and Papuans people immediately united to support TPNPB-OPM who was started war
One thing that Bridgen Lekagak Telenggen convey is to
prohibit that today clear TPNPB-OPM war, therefore for information to the World
International and to Local and Indonesian reporters is quite a Path, namely
through TPNPB-OPM Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom who has the right to published
and assisted by domestic fighters helpers.
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Photo of the Soldiers of West Papua National Liberation Army in National Command 2017 (pic Tiruan W) |
I forbid the TPNPB-OPM image in any place like social
medias, and it sells us or playing with our Struggle and when we see it we will
shoot. Therefore
our communication path is only one through by Spokesman of West Papua National Liberation
Army (TPNPB-OPM) Mr.Sebby sambom.
And the last Bridgen Lekagak Telenggen asked the people
of west papua from sorong to samarai to support us with Prayer and Fasting, we
hold this war will not be separated until Free West Papua. So
this Press Release, and thank you for your attention.
Telephone Communication Results from Jambi Puncak Jaya
Papua, as the official press release by Field Operation Commander of West Papua
National Liberation Army.
From Jambineri TPNPB-NEWS. Source:
TPNPB messenger copies of wenesum and forwarded to all journalists by TPNPB-OPM
spokesperson (Mr.Sebby Sambom). Jambi
November 1st 2017.
Translated, Edited and Publishing
Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson & Special Diplomat of TPNPB
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
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The Soldiers of West Papua National Liberation Army in National Command 2017 (pic Tiruan W) |
Pernyataan Komandan operasi Lapangan TPNPB-OPM Bridgen
Lekagak Telenggen Tentang Penembakan di Tembagapura Papua
TPBPB-OPM melalui Komandan Operasi Lapangan Tuan Bridgen Lekagak Telenggen Sebagai
Operasi Lapangan se Tanah Papua dari Sorong sampai Merauke dibawah Pimpinan
Jenderal Gen.Goliat Tabuni menanggapi beberapa pernyataan Pemerintah Indonesia
baik oleh aparat Kepolisian maupun TNI melalui media online terhadap pasukannya
yang sedang bergerak di AREAL PT.FREEPORT INDONESIA bahwa , Kelompok Kriminal
Bersenjata (KKB),Orang Tak Dikenal (OTK), Gerakan Pengacau Keamanan (GPK), dan
Dalam hal ini menurut Lekagak Telenggen
semua itu sesuai dengan kerja-kerja Komando Nasional, Tentara Pembebasan
Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) yang berjuang dari sorong sampai samarai, jadi
bahwa ada aksi Revolusi Tahapan dan Total jika apa yang 4 kodap bergerak itu
benar mereka adalah TPNPB Murni dan tidak ada tawar menawar, dan itu jelas
tuntutan Kemerdekaan west Papua.
Semua itu kami sudah kordinasi dan
semua pasukan akan kepung Perusahaan milik Amerika itu, dengan nada keras
melalui telpon selulernya dari Jambi Puncak Jaya Papua.
Awak media local bertanya kepadanya
bahwa tidak takut kah jika mengganggu Freeport maka ancaman tentara Amerika
terhadap Tentara Pembebasan NAsional Papua Barat (TPNPB)?
Namun Brigend Lekagak Telenggen mengakui
kami siap membelah Tanah air sampai mati, oleh karena itu kami harap bahwa semua
TNI/POLRI dan Tentara AMERIKA datang dan mengakui kedaulatan Negara West Papua.
Menurut Brigend Lekaga Telenggen saya
dengan seluruh prajurit dari 29 Komando Daerah
Pertahanan (Kodap) Tentara Pembebasan NAsional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) sudah
targetkan bahwa kami akan mati di areal PT.Freeport disana sampai pengakuan
jatuh kataBrigen Lekagak Telenggen.
Kesempatan itu Komadan Operasi
Lapangan Militer Papua Barat dibawah Pimpinan Jenderal Goliat Tabuni ini mempertegaskan
bahwa hari ini perang di Tembagapura itu adalah Murni Pasukan Tentara
Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM), saya melarang keras kepada pihak
manapun menjadi mendiator untuk Negosiasi di lapangan dengan pasukan saya di
pimpin oleh 4 kodap TPNPB disana yaitu: TPNPB-OPM Kodap Kali kopi atau yang
disebut Kodap III Mimika, Kodap 8 Tembagapura, meliputi Intan Jaya.
Maka saya selaku komadan Operasi
Lapangan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) berharap bahwa Pihak
Pemerintah dan Pihak Gereja Mohon amankan Masyarakat di sana Karena TPNPB-OPM tetap
lawan TNI/POLRI terus sampai Papua Merdeka.
Brigend LEKAGAK TELENGGEN mengatakan
apapun akan terjadi disana komadan operasi Lapangan setanah Papua itu
mengatakan bahwa kami siap bertanggung jawab dan Freeport segera tutup.
Terkait hal itu, Brigend Lekagak
Telenggen menegaskan bahwa seluruh TPNPB-OPM rabatkan Barisan dan kita serbuh
dapur Dunia itu sampai titik darah penghabisan dan orang Papua segera bersatu
medukung TPNPB-OPM yang sedang perang disana.
Satu hal yang Brigend Lekagak Telenggen
sampaikan adalah melarang bahwa hari ini jelas TPNPB-OPM perang, oleh karena
itu untuk informasi ke Dunia Internasional dan ke wartwan Lokal dan Indonesia cukup
satu Jalur, yaitu melalui Juru Bicara TPNPB-OPM Tuan Sebby Sambom yang punya
hak untuk dipublikasikan dan di bantu oleh pembantunya dari dalam negeri.
Saya larang gambar TPNPB-OPM di
hampur sembarang tempat, dan hal itu
sama saja menjual kami atau bermain-main dengan Perjuangan kami dan apabila
kami lihat hal itu, kami akan tembak. Oleh karena itu jalur komunikasi kita
hanya satu yakni melalui JUBIR TPNPB-OPM tuan Sebby sambom.
Dan yang terakhir Brigen Lekagak Telenggen
meminta kepada Rakyat west papua dari sorong sampai samarai agar medukung kami
dengan Doa dan Puasa, kami pegang perang ini tidak akan lepas sampai Papua Merdeka.
Demikian Siaran Perss ini, dan terim akasih atas perhatian Anda.
Hasil Komunikasi telp dari Jambi
Puncak Jaya Papua, sebagai siaran perss resmi oleh Komandan Operasi Lapangan,
Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat.
Dari Jambineri TPNPB-NEWS. Sumber: kurir
TPNPB Tiruan wenesum dan diteruskan kepada semua jurnalis oleh Jubir TPNPB-OPM
(Mr.Sebby Sambom). Jambi 01 November 2017.
Translated, Edited and Publishing
Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson & Special Diplomat of TPNPB
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
Tuhan bersama kalian. Jadilah jalan bagi kami ya Tuhan.
ReplyDeleteTuhan beserta, Kebenaran akan nyata dalam Tuhan.