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The evidence photo of the house that has been burned by the Indonesian military in Ndugama Papua (pic Courier of TPNPB) |
KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Press Release on July 17th,
TPNPBNEWS: Need for Urgent Action on Humanitarian Crisis in Ndugama, Papua
Today, Wednesday, July 17th, 2019 KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Central Headquarters has again issued press suggestions about the Humanitarian Crisis in the Ndugama Region of Papua.
In the TPNPB-OM report before the end of 2018 and 2019 concerning the extraction of human rights and Indonesian military crimes against Humanity, which were carried out through military operations in Ndugama were very brutal and inhumane.
And in previous TPNPB-OPM press releases it always mentioned that there were repressive actions and massive military operations taking place in Ndugama, Papua.
And many lives and community wealth were seized by the Indonesian
military, and this included burning people's houses and also shooting dead
livestock belonging to the community such as pigs and the theft of Ndugama
native chickens carried out by the Indonesian Military and Police through
military operations in the Ndugama, Papua, with the slogan that security of trans-Papua
road projects.
Therefore, today, July 17th, 2019 the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters shows photos of the burning of houses and livestock belonging to the communities that have been shot dead by the Indonesian military.
And this photos evidence document is a fact of law, which can be clearly done by the Indonesian Military and Police in Ndugama, Papua. And Indonesia's military crimes in Ndugama, regarding these indigenous peoples cannot be tolerated.
Following is the Ndugama TPNPB-OPM Report, Papua that has been received
by KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters may follow as below:
Refugee Society from,
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The photo of Refugee Society from Ndugama in Wamena, Highlands of West Papua (pic Doc Courier of TPNPB-OPM) |
and several other DISTRICTs to Wamena, were not taken into account by the
Regional Government of Nduga.
Their presence or refugee community needs drinkable food and clothing
that is suitable for use, but there is no attention by the Papua Provincial
Government or by the Regencys Government, and also by the Central Government Indonesia
in Jakarta.
And some of the refugee communities living in Wamena, Papua have died in Wamena due to pain that has never been noticed by the Government or by humanitarian workers in Papua and Indonesia.
This was very embarrassing and concerned, because all parties ignored humanitarian
actions to save the lives of Ndugama people who were displaced by Indonesian
military operations and crimes against humanity.
And why is this happening and can be faced by the Ndugama Papua community?
Because of the war between the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) and the West Papua National Liberation Army, the Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OM), was started on December 4th, 2018 to 2019 is still ongoing until this moment, there is no second dismissal of parties.
And almost one year ago people have not returned to their villages, conditions that were not possible for the people in their homes, because some districts such as Yigi to Mugi, houses were burnt down by the Indonesian Military (TNI_ and Police (POLRI), so they lost their homes, animals, gardens, and valuable items, were destroyed by the Indonesian Military and Police.
Thus, they need to be considered by all parties, because this is not a matter of tribal war or non-group war.
From 1996 in the Mapnduma area of Nduga Regency, taking hostage of the lorenz 96 expedition team, by TPNPB. OPM, shocking the whole world, and producing, Special Authonomous, who enjoyed the results by all communities from the province of Papua..!
And this thing happened again in 2018 to 2019 and what was thought by the Indonesian central government in Jakarta....? And why is the UN silent and no humanitarian actions for Ndugama Indigenous Refugees?
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TNI Burning Ndugama Houses |
Therefore, today, July 17th 2019 KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters invites all parties concerned with humanity to immediately take humanitarian intervention in Ndugama, Papua.
Why…??? Because the Indonesian Government through the Military and Police hidden facts and committed public fraud through the medias, both electronic and print medias, which aimed to cover up crimes against humanity that the Indonesian Military and Police did in Ndugama, Papua against indigenous Nduga people of Papua.
AND WE TALK TO READ THE REAL of FACTS, and this is the Facts. We must not ignore the principles of humanity, but we must be solidarity to respect human rights.
Facts about Indonesian military and Polices crime against Humanity in Ndugama, may follow the photos that we attached below ... !!!
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The TNI Kills Community-Owned Pigs and Disposes |
There is still plenty of proof of the photo, We will show to the people of International Community and to the United Nations,
There is still a lot of photographic evidence, we will show it to the international community and the United Nations, because this is a crime against humanity that has been and is being carried out by the Indonesian Military and Police in Ndugama, Papua was started on December 4th 2018 to July 17th, 2019 this.
Reported directly from Ndugama, Papua by the TPNPB-OPM Courier to the Leaders of the TPNPB-OPM at the Central Headquarters.
And it can forwarded to Journalists and Human Rights Workers around the world by KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Spokesperson Mr. Sebby Sambom.
Thank you for your attention and the good coorporation.
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Masyarakat Ndugama Sembunyi dan menyaksikan TNI dan Polri Bakar Rumah-Rumah Mereka (pic Kurir TPNPB-OPM) |
Into Indonesian Malay as follow….!!!
Fakta Kejahatan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Ndugama Papua Dari Sejak
Desember 2018 Sampai Juli 2019
Siaran Pers KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Per 17 Juli 2019
TPNPBNEWS: Butuh Tindakan Mendesak atas Krisis
Kemanusiaan di Ndugam Papua
Hari ini Rabu
Tanggal 17 Juli 2019, Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM kembali mengeluarkan saran
pers tentang Krisis Kemanusiaan di Wilayah Ndugama Papua.
Dalam laporan
TPNPB-OM sebelunya di akhir tahun 2018 dan 2019 tentang penggaran HAM dan
kejahatan Militer Indonesia, yang mana telah dan sedang lakukan melalui operasi
militer di Ndugama sangat brutal dan tidak manusiawi.
Dan dalam Siaran-siaran
pers TPNPB-OPM sebelumnya selalu menyebutkan bahwa Ada tindakan represif dan
operasi militer yang massif sedang terjadi di Ndugama.
Dan banyak
korban nyawa dan kekayaan masyarakat dirampas oleh militer Indonesia, dan hal
ini termasuk membakar rumah-rumah msayarakat dan juga menembak Mati ternak milik
masyarakat seperti babi dan pencurian ternak ayam milik masyarakat pribumi
Ndugama yang dilakukan oleh Militer dan Polisi Indonesia melalui operasi militer
di ndigama, dengan selogan pengamanan projek jalan trans Papua.
Oleh Karena
itu, pada hari ini tanggal 17 Juli 2019 Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM
menunjukan bukti-bukti photos pembakaran rumah dan ternak milik masayarakat
yang telah ditembak Mati oleh Militer Indonesia.
Dan Dokumen
bukti photos ini merupakan fakta HUkUM, yang mana telah nyata dapat dilakukan
oleh Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Ndugama, Papua. Dan tindakan kejahatan Militer Indonesia di
Ndugama, terhadapa masyarakat pribumi ini tidak dapat ditolerir.
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Rumah-rumah yang telah di Bakar TNi di Ndugama,Papua |
Laporan TPNPB-OPM Ndugama, Papua yang telah diterima Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM
boleh ikuti dibawah ini:
Masyarakat Pengungsi dari,
dan beberapa DISTRIK yang lain lagi ke Wamena, sangat tidak diperhatikan
oleh Pemerintah Daerah Nduga. Keberadaan mereka atau masyarakat pengungsi membutuhkan Makanan minuman
dan pakaian yang layak di pakai, namun tidak Ada perhatian oleh
Pemerintah Provinsi Papua ataupun oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten, dan juga Oleh
Pemerintah Pusat di Jakarta.
Dan beberapa masyarakat pengungsi
yang tinggal di Wamena, Papua telah meninggal di Wamena akibat kesakitan yang
tidak pernah diperhatikan oleh Pemerintah ataupun oleh Pekerja kemanusiaan di
Papua dan Indonesia. Hal ini sangat memalukan dan prihatin, karena semua pihak
mengabaikan tindakan kemanusiaan untuk selamatkan nyawa Manusia Nduga yang
mengungsi akibat kejahatan Militer Indonesia.
Dan mengapa hal ini
terjadi dan dapat dihadapi Oleh Masyarakat Ndugama Papua?
Karena perang antara Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dan
Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat, Organisasi Papua Merdeka (TPNPB-OM), dari sejak tanggal 2 Desember 2018- 2019 masih
sedang berlangsung sampai detik ini, tidak ada pemberhentian kedua bela pihak.
Dan hampir satu tahun ini masyarakat belum kembali ke kampung
mereka, kondisi yang tidak memungkinkan bagi masyarakat di tempat tinggal
mereka, karena beberapa distrik seperti Yigi sampe Mugi, rumah di bakar habis oleh
TNI dan POLRI, sehingga kehilangan tempat tinggal, hewan, kebun, Dan barang-
barang yang berharga, di musnahkan oleh Militer dan
Polisi Indonesia.
Dengan demikian maka mereka butuh diperhatikan oleh semua
pihak, karena ini bukan masalah perang suku atau perang antar golongan tidak.
Dari tahun 1996 di wilayah Mapnduma Kabupaten Nduga, menyandera dari tim ekspedisi
lorenz 96, oleh TPNPB.OPM, menggemparkan seluruh dunia, dan membuahkan, OTSUS, yang menikmati
hasilnya dari semua masyarakat dari provinsi papua!.
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Ini adalah rongga Manusia yang membusuk |
Dan hal ini terulang lagi tahun 2018-2019 dan
apa yang di pikirkan oleh
pemerintah pusat Indonesia di Jakarta….? Dan Mengapa PBB
bungkam dan tidak Ada tindakan kemanusiaan bagi Pengungsi Masyarakat Pribumi Ndugama?
Oleh karena
itu pada hari ini, tanggal 17 Juli 2019 Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB mengajak
semua pihak yang peduli akan kemanusiaan segera lakukan tindakan intervensi
kemanusiaan di Ndugama.
Karena Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Militer dan Polisi sembunyikan fakat dan melakukan
penipuan public melalui media-media, baik electronic dan juga media cetak, yang
bertujuan untuk menutupi kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan yang Militer dan Polisi
Indonesia lakukan di Ndugama, Papua terhadap orang pribumi Nduga, Papua.
dan hal ini adalah Fakta. Kami tidak boleh mengabaikan prinsip-Princip
kemanusiaan, namun Kita harus bersolidaritas demi menghargai hak-hak asasi
Fakta tentang
kejahatan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Ndugama, boleh ikuti photo-photo yang
kami lampirkan dibawah ini…!!!
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Isi rumah yang TNI/POLRI hancurkan seat Operasi Militer di Ndugama Papua (pic Kurir TPNPB-OPM) |
Masih banyak
bukti photo, akan kami tunjukan kepada masyarakat Internasional dan PBB, karena
ini adalah kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan yang telah dan sedang dilakukan oleh
Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Ndugama, Papua dari sejak tanggal 4 Desember
2018 hingga tanggal 17 Juli 2019 yang kami keluarkan siaran Pers ini.
langsung dari Ndugama, Papua oleh Kurir TPNPB-OPM kepada Pimpinan TPNPB-OPM di Markas
Dan dapat
diteruskan kepada Journalists dan Para Pekerja HAM di Seluruh dunia Oleh Juru
Bicara KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Tuan Sebby Sambom.
Terima Kasi Atas
perhatian Anda, dan kerja sama yang baik.
Related Articles as follow....!!!!
Related Articles as follow....!!!!
- Indonesian Military Forces Have Burned 31 Houses of Indigenous Papuans in Ndugama Papua On May 1st to 8st 2019
- The Indonesian Military Has Burned 67th Indigenous Houses in Ndugama Papua
- Press Conference by Central Headquarters of TPNPB-OPM Per June 16th 2019 Regarding the Human Rights Crisis Situation of Ndugama Papua
- The Indonesian military has shot dead a woman and her child Baby who were 8 months old kidnapped by the TNI in Ndugama Papua
- Warning to the Indonesian Military and the Indonesian Government by the Ndugama Defense Region Commander of TPNPB-OPM Bridgen Egianus Kogeya
Publish by Admin
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