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Saturday, 31 August 2019

Statement by Indonesian Civil Servants in the Meepago Region of Papua in Protesting Racial Discrimination Against by Indonesian Citizens in Surabaya

The West Papuans Protesters on Racial Discrimination Against to West Papuans University Students in Surabaya by Indonesian Citizens, Meepago Region of Papua in Paniai on August 26st 2019, pic Google supplied

West Papuans from various Community Components have opposed Racial Discrimination against Papuan Students in Surabaya which has been carried out by Indonesian citizens.

In this case, indigenous Papuans have protested in all cities and regencies and in two Indonesian provinces, which are in the territory of the indigenous Papuans lands.

In the Meepago Region, all Civil Servants also participated in the protest, because all people throughout the World were opposed to racial discrimination.

Why must all indigenous Papuans protest? Because the United Nations (UN) has also adopted a declaration about freedom from acts of racial discrimination.

Is it true that the Government employees of the Republic of Indonesia Government also protested? To prove it, please follow the speeches that have been submitted by the Deputy Regent of Paniai, and also by staff of the Civil Servants (ASN) on August 26th, 2019 in the video link below. Please click here, The Indogenous People of West Papuans are Protest on Racial discrimination by Indonesian Citizens tr

And by looking at this evidence, we need to convey to the Government of Indonesia and its citizens that immediately stop racial discrimination against to  West Papuan Nation.

Because the Papuan Nation is not an Indonesian citizen. Why? Because the results of the 1969 Act of Free Choice had never been ratified at a session of the UN General Assembly and the Indonesian occupation of Papua was illegal to this day.

And occupation by the Indonesian Colonial Government in Papua must end soon, and then the Indonesian Government must give Independence to the Papuan Nation to create world peace.

Why does Indonesia have to and immediately provide independence for the Papuan people? Because if not, the Papuans will take big even greater resistance. And that will embarrass Indonesia in the eyes of the International people.

Therefore wisely, the Government of Indonesia under the President Jokowi immediately give Independence to the Papuan Nation. This is very important and will be do as soon as well under his policy!

The Papuan protest against Racism has been carried out consciously by all levels of Papuan people, and also by the international Community and also by the Indonesian anti discrimination group in solidarity throughout the world.

The Indonesian government please choose ...! Give independence to the people of Papua wisely and peacefully? Or is it bloodshed?

By Sebby Sambom, Spokesperson for KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM
Demo protes Diskriminasi Rasial terhadap Mahasiswa Papua di Surabaya Oleh Warga Negara Indonesia di Surabata, Jaws Timur, Wilayah Meepago di Paniai 26 Agustus 2019, pic Google supplaied
In Indonesian Malay as follow…!!!

Pernyataan  Pegawai Negeri Sipil Indonesia di Wilayah Meepago Papua Dalam Aksi Protes Diskriminasi Rasial di Surabaya
Orang Asli Papua dari berbagai Komponen Masyarakat telah menentang Diskriminasi Rasial terhadap Mahasiswa Papua di Surabaya yang mana telah dilakukan oleh Warga Negara Indonesia. 
Dalam hal ini orang Asli Papua telah melakukan Protes di semua Kota dan Kabupaten serta di dua Provinsi Indonesia, yang berada di territory tanah adat bangsa Papua. 
DI Wilayah Meepago, semua pegawai Negeri Sipil pun ikut melakukan protes, karena semua manusia di seluruh Dunia menentang diskriminasi rasial. 
Mengapa harus semua orang Asli Papua Protes? Karena Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) juga telah mengadopsi deklarasi tentang bebas dari tindakan diskriminasi rasial. 
Apa benar pegawai Negeri Pemerintah Republik Indonesia juga ikut protes? Untuk membuktikannya silakan ikuti orasi-orasi yang telah disampaikan oleh Wakil Bupati Paniai, dan juga oleh staff Pegawai Negeri (ASN) pada Tanggal 26 Agustus 2019 di link video dibawah ini. Silakan click disini,  The Indogenous People of West Papuans are Protest on Racial discrimination by Indonesian Citizens tr
Dan dengan melihat bukti ini, maka Kami Perlu sampaikan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia dan warga Negaranya bahwa segera hentikan diskriminasi ras terhadap Bangsa Papua. 
Karena Bangsa Papua tidak merupakan warga Negara Indonesia. Mengapa? Karena hasil Pepera 1969 belum pernah disahkan pada sidang Majelis Umum PBB dan pendudukan Indonesia di Papua adalah illegal sampai detik ini. 
Dan Penjajahan oleh Pemerintah Kolonial Indonesia di Papua harus segera berakhir, dan kemudian Pemerintah Indonesia wajib memberikan Kemerdekaan bagi Bangsa Papua guna menciptakan perdamaian dunia.  
Mengapa Indonesia harus dan segera memberikan kemerdekaan bagi bangsa Papua? Karena jika tidak, maka bangsa Papua akan melakukan perlawanan yang lebih besar lagi. Dan hal itu akan mempermalukan Indonesia di mata masyarakat Intrenasional. 
Oleh karena itu dengan bijaksana, Pemerintah Indonesia dibawah kemdali Presiden Jokowi segera berikan Kemerdekaan bagi Bangsa Papua. Hal ini sangat penting dan segera dilasanakan!
Aksi protes Bangsa Papua atas Rasisme telah dilakukan dengan sadar oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat orang Asli Papua, dan juga oleh solidaritas Internasional dan Nasional Indonesia di seluruh dunia.  
Pemerintah Indonesia silakan pilih…! Berikan Kemerdekaan bagi bangsa Papua dengan bijaksana dan damai? Ataukah dengan pertumpahan Darah? 
Oleh Sebby Sambom, Juru Bicara KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM

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