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The photo of the Decree Acceptance Ceremony of the Ndugama Defense Region III Command and Decree for Ndugama defense Region Commander of TPNPB-OPM on September 11th 2019 (pic doc of TPNPB Couriers) |
TPNPBNEWS: Derakma, Ndugama
Papua September 11th 2019
Submission of SK (Decree of
KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM) for Ndugama Defense Region Command III and Regional Commander
of TPNPB NDUGAMA, procceded safely,
after nine months of war.
The Decree ceremony has been
conducted in unsafe conditions, where the Indonesian military and police are
still carrying out large-scale military operations in the Ndugama Region of Papua.
In this case, even though there
were Military Operations by Indonesian Forces, but the Commander of Ndugama Defense
Region Command Bridgen EGIANUS KOGEYA, said that the TPNPB-OPM was brought by Region
Commander Bridgen Egianus Kogeya would not stop the War. The war continues
until Papua is fully independent from the hands of the colonial government of
the republic of Indonesia. Videos statement click here, The Decree Acceptance Ceremony of the Ndugama Defense Region III Command of TPNPB OPM on September
The statement of the Commander of Ndugama Defense Region Command III of
TPNPB-OPM in the ceremony for the acceptance of this decree is as follows:
1. I will not stop the war, I will continue the War until Papua is fully independent from the hands of the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia;
2. Today I really submitted both Decree for Ndugama Defense Region Command III and Decree for Ndugama Defense region Commander of TPNPB-OPM;
3. Based on this points above, then we need to convey that the decree that we have been waiting for long and just has submitted to us by the Central Headquarters of TPNPB-OPM Work Team, then we will continue the war against Indonesian invaders troops;
4. Here our own homelands, and also we are the higlanders and we believe that the ancestral God of the Papuan people will take care of us and will protect us, that is why we are not afraid of the Indonesian military, but still we will continue to fight against the Indonesian mIlitary and Police troops as our eternal enemies, even though they have the Armaments complete;
5. We firmly reject the West Papua Army (WPA) made by the TRWP and ULMWP groups, our position on the ground, if you make it against me Egianus Kogeya and My Forces, then we will see later;
6. Who on behalf of the Ndugama war and looking for food for their own interests, we give a strong warning to stop immediately, and whoever does not work arbitrarily, all media about the TPNPB-OPM War Against the Indonesian Military and the Police Forces must be managed by the Central Headquarters of the TPNPB-OPM, and all international and national medias journalists may receive from TPNPB-OPM itself or may have the copy@right from the TPNPB News account. In this case, anyone can republish its with the copy@right of TPNPB News sources;
7. Following is the statement of the Deputy Operation Commander of Ndugama Defense Region Command III of TPNPB-OPM that from Keneyam to Wamena we TPNPB-OPM troops are ready to fight against the Indonesian Military and the Police Forces and our parents how many Generals have been killed by Indonesia in 1977, therefore we will be kill against the Indonesian invaders troops and the war continues to perfect Papua We get Independent;
8. The Deputy Operations Commander also added that Papu Golds, both in Nabire, in Enaro, in Yahukimo, in Nagarum, in Batu Merah, and generals generally in the territory of Papua, from Sorong to Samarai must be completely closed, must not open Gold mines before Papua get Independent;
9. We must carry out a revolution throughout the territory of Papua to end the suffering of the people, all at the end of the struggle must work hard, West Papuans CIVILIANS inside the city and we TPNPB-OPM together with all components of the struggle, so that we get independence faster.
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The photo of the Decree Acceptance Ceremony of the Ndugama Defense Region III Command and also for the Ndugama Defense region Commander of TPNPB-OPM on September 11th 2019 (pic doc of TPNPB couriers) |
Thus, the statement of the Ndugama
Defense Region Command III Commanders of TPNPB-OPM was conveyed in order to be
considered by all parties. By TPNPBNEWS Courier.
This is an official report from the Ndugama Defense Region III Command of TPNPB-OPM, which has been received by the Central Headquarters of TPNPB-OPM today on September 17th 2019.
This is an official report from the Ndugama Defense Region III Command of TPNPB-OPM, which has been received by the Central Headquarters of TPNPB-OPM today on September 17th 2019.
And forward to all Journalists
and also to Human Rights Defenders around the world by Spokesman of TPNPB-OPM Mr. Sebby Sambom.
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Panglima KODAP III TPNPB-OPM Ndugama Bridgen Egianus Kogeya Tanda tangan SK KODA dan SK Panglima Yang telah diterbitkan Oleh Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM, September 11th 2019 (pic doc Kurir TPNPB) |
In Indonesian Malay as follow....!!!
Upacar Penerimaan SK
(Surat Keputusan) KODAP III TPNPB-OPM Ndugama Papua Per 11 September 2019
Ndugama Papua September 11th 2019
Penyerahan SK (Surat Keputusan KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM) Untuk KODAP III
Ndugama dan Panglima Daerah KODAP Ill NDUGAMA, berjalan dengan aman,
setelah perang selama sembilan bulan.
Upacara Penerimaan SK (Surat Keputusan) ini telah dilakukan dalam
kondisi yang tidak Aman, dimana militer
dan Polisi Indonesia masih melakukan operasi Militre besar-besaran di Wilayah
Ndugama, Papua.
Dalam hal ini, sekalipun Ada operasi Militer Oleh Pasukan
Indonesia tetapi Pangkodap lll Ndugama, Bridgenm EGIANUS KOGEYA, mengatakan bahwa TPNPB-OPM dibawa Pimpinan
Bridgen Egianus Kogeya tidak akan berhenti Perang. Perang Terus sampai Papua
Merdeka Penuh dari tangan Pemerintah Kolonial republic Indonesia.
Adapun Pernyataan Panglima KODAP III Ndugama Papua dalam
upacara Penerimaan SK ini sebagai berikut:
tidak akan berhenti perang, tetap akan Lanjut Perang sampai Papua merdeka Penuh
dari tangan Pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indonesia;
ini yang saya tungguh penyerahan SK. KODAP dan SK. PANGLIMA KODAP III Ndugama,
poin dia di atas, maka Kami Perlu sampaikan bahwa SK yang Kami tunggu sudah diserahkan
kepada Kami Oleh Tim Kerja Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM, maka kami akan
lanjutkan perang;
Kami punya rumah, Dan jugqa Kami punya tanah dan Kami percaya bahwa Tuhan leluhur
bangsa Papua akan menjaga Kami, dan Kami tidak takut militer Indonesia, tetap Kami
akan terus lawan TNI/POLRI sebagai musuh
abadi Kami, sekalipun mereka mempunyai Peralatan Perang yang lengkap;
dengan tegas tolak West Papua Army (WPA) yang di buat oleh kelompok TRWP dan
ULMWP, kami posisi di lapangan, jika
kamu buat untuk melawan saya Egianus Kogeya dan Pasukan Saya, maka kita akan
lihat nanti;
yang yang mengatasnamakan perang Ndugama dan cari makan untuk kepentingan
sendiri, kami berikan peringatan agar segera stop, dan siapapun jangan kerja sembarang,
semua media tentang Perang TPNPB-OPM Lawan TNI/POLRI harus dikelolah oleh
Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM, dan semua media Internasional dan nasional
boleh terima dari TPNPB-OPM sendiri atau boleh copy@right dari account TPNPB News.
Dalam hal ini, semua orang boleh republikasi dengan sumber TPNPB News;
Pernyataan wakil Comandan operasi KODAP III TPNPB-OPM NDUGAMA bahwa dari Keneyam
sampai ke Wamena kami pasukan TPNPB-OPM siap perang lawan TNI/POLRI dan orang
tua kami berapa Jendral sudah habis dibunuh Oleh Indonesia di tahun 1977, oleh
karena itu Kami akan perang terus sempai Kemerdekaan Papua Kami dapatkan;
Wakil Komandan Operasi menambhkannya bahwa Emas
Papu, baik di Nabire, di Enaro, di Yahukimo, di Nagarum, di Batu Merah, Dan
secara umum di territory Papua, yaitu dari Sorong sampai Samarai harus ditutup
semua, tidak boleh buka tambang Emas sebelum Papua Merdeka;
harus lakukan revolusi di seluruh territory Papua untuk mengakhiri penderitaan
rakyat ini, semua dipolmat harus Kerja keras, SIPIL didalam kota dan kami TPNPB-OPM
bersama-sama Dengan semua component Perjuangan, supaya Kami memperoleh
kemerdekaan lebih cepat.
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TPNPB-OPM KODAP III Ndugama Papua Uapacara Penerimaan SK KODAP dan SK Panglima serta Wakil Panglima di Derakma, tanggal 11 September 2019 (pic doc Kurir TPNPB-OPM) |
Ini adalah laporan resmi dari Pimpinan TPNPB-OPM KODAP III
Ndugama, Papua yang telah diterima Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB pada hari ini Tanggal
17 September 2019.
Dan ditereuskan kepada semua Journalis dan juga kepada
Pembela HAM di seluruh dunia oleh Juru Bicara KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Tuan Sebby
Publish by Admin
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