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Gen Goliath Naman Tabuni First from left with his Member of TPNPB-OPM in Tingginambut 2012 (Pic Doc YS) |
Tabuni statements Upon Civil Servants Demo in the Office of the
Governor of Papua
of the statement of Papua Province Governor along with the action of
DEMO PNS at Governor office Dok II Jayapura, Papua on March 7th,
2016 on Special Autonomy for Papua returns to the Center Government
of Republic of Indonesia then Gen. Goliath Tabuni responded by
issuing an official statement.
following Gen. Goliath Tabuni statements:
1. Yes I as the High Commander
of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) that hold the
suffering, the cold resistant, hungry resistant, mosquitoes
resistant, pain resistant, and some others had been killed and dead
in West Papua junggel judge that the Provincial Government under
Leader Mr. Lukas Enembe S.Ip, MH, do not toying Papua to bring money
and projects in West Papua.
2. Lukas own children sheath and
the Papuan people who know exactly the conditions and general
circumstances of Papua and especially in the region of Puncak Jaya,
Yambi and threats surrounding us in the State.
3. Therefore, I reiterate that
the Government of Papua do not play on the blood and bones. Currently
we are the people of West Papuans are in humanitarian crisis
condition and all the people in Jambi and Sinak still displaced, and
there is no treatment and advocacy for displaced communities.
4. Do not ask projects with
money and want to return the Special Autonomy reason that what ...? I
as the High Commander of TPNPB-OPM did not know if coffin the SPECIAL
AUTONOMY to Jakarta was long ago in 2005 that the Papuans had
returned it.
5. If the Provincial Government
felt deceived by the government of Jakarta with various daraf that
the proposed means you missed the people of Papua in Jakarta's hand
renewals officials STOP deceive the People of West Papuans. Now time
for Self Determination for the people of West Papua or Referendum
fate of their own, therefore it is no longer talk of autonomy which
particular already carcass.
6. Whereas therefore, I, as
Commander in Chief of the Nationl Liberation Army of West Papua
(TPNPB) Gen.Goliat Naman Tabuni Appealing to all Government of Papua
and West Papua Governor, Regent, Mayor, People's Deputy, Military /
Police, Civil Servants , the sub-district and village officials as
well as the whole of the people grass roots in the Land of Papua
immediately and call support for Referendum which Civil strike in
7. We ask to open up space for
the UN team immediately Handle Case Dropped for Papua Community
Evacuation in Puncak Jaya regency in Jambi District and in Sinak
8. If Provincial Government of
Papua and West Papua has always and sacrifice Papua People Suffering
Papua above, after the nature of the court of the Lord GOD of West
Papuans you will be Responsible for the People's Suffering.
9. I as the High Commander-OPM
TPNPB along with my army was waiting for this appeal until there is
no response. It Action Demo in Papua Governor's Office was just
looking for attention of the Central Government So We will take over.
10. War continues until Doomsday
World. Said Gen. Goliat Tabuni through his mobile phone from the
Central Headquarters of West Papua in Tingginambut Through Operations
Comander Lekagak Telenggen and Military Murib.
March 7th , 2016
NAMAN Goliath Tabuni
reports from Walmanap From Puncak Jaya West Papua
and translated by Sebby Sambom
Pernyataan Gen. Goliath
Tabuni Atas Demo PNS di Kantor Gubernur Papua
Menjikapi pernyataan
Gubernur Propinsi Papua beserta aksi DEMO PNS dikantor Gubernur Dok
II Jayapura-Papua pada tanggal 7 Maret 2016 tentang pengembalian
Otonomi Khusus Papua Kepada Pemerintah Pusat, maka Gen. Goliat Tabuni
menanggapi dengan mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi.
Berikut pernyataan Gen.
Goliat Tabuni:
1. Ya saya sebagai Panglima Tinggi Tentara Pembebasan
Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) yang tahan penderitaan, yaitu Tahan
dingin, tahan lapar, tahan nyamuk, Tahan sakit dan sebagian lain
sudah terbunuh dan mati di Rimbah Papua Barat menilai bahwa
Pemerintah Propinsi Papua dibawah Pimpinan Tuan Lukas Enembe S.Ip,MH,
jangan mempermainkan Papua untuk mendatangkan uang dan proyek di
Tanah Papua Barat.
2. Lukas sendiri anak koteka dan orang Papua yang tau
persis kondisi dan keadaan kami di Papua pada umumnya dan khususnya
di Wilayah Puncak Jaya,Yambi dan sekitarnya kami dalam ancaman
3. Oleh karena itu, saya tegaskan bahwa Pemerintah
Propinsi Papua jangan main-main di atas darah dan Tulang belulang.
Saat ini kami rakyat Bangsa Papua Barat sedang dalam kodisi krisis
kemanusiaan dan semua masyarakat di Jambi dan Sinak masih
pengungsian, dan belum ada penanganan serta advokasi bagi masyarakat
yang mengungsi.
4. Jangan mintah proyek dengan uang lalu alasan mau
kembalikan Otonomi Khusus itu apa… ? saya sebagai Panglima Tinggi
TPNPB-OPM tidak tahu menahu jika peti mayat OTONOMI KHUSUS Jakarta
itu sudah lama tahun 2005 yang silam rakyat Papua
sudah kembalikan itu.
5. Kalau Pemerintah Propinsi Papua
merasa di tipu oleh Pemerintah Jakarta dengan berbagai daraf yang
di ajukan tidak terjawab berarti kalian orang papua yang dalam
hal pejabat perpajangan tangan Jakarta itu STOP menipu Rakyat
Bangsa Papua Barat. Sekarang
Rakyat bangsa Papua Barat waktunya Refreedum dan penentun nasip
sendiri, oleh karena itu tidak
lagi bicara otonomi khsus yang sudah bangkai itu.
6. Bahwa oleh karena itu, saya
selaku Panglima Tinggi Tentara Pembebasan Nasionl Papua Barat
(TPNPB) Gen.Goliat Naman Tabuni Menghimbau Kepada seluruh
Pemerintahan Papua dan Papua Barat dari Gubernur, Bupati, Wali Kota,
Wakil Rakyat, TNI/POLRI, Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Para Camat dan Aparat
Kampung serta Seluruh Rakyat akar Rumput di Tanah Papua segera
melakukan Mogok Sipil dan medukung Refreedum dalam Tahun 2016.
7. Kami mintah agar membuka Ruang
bagi Tim PBB segera Turun
Tangani Kasus Pengungsian Masyarakat Papua pada Kabupaten Puncak Jaya
di Distrik Jambi dan Sinak.
8. Apabilah Pemerintahan Propinsi
Papua dan Papua Barat selalu permainkan Tanah Papua diatas
Penderitaan Rakyat Papua, setelah hakikat pengadilan TUHAN ALLAH
Bangsa Papua Barat anda akan
bertanggung Jawab atas
Penderitaan Rakyat ini.
9. Saya selaku Panglima Tinggi
TPNPB-OPM beserta Pasukannya
menunggu himbauan ini sampai belum ada tanggapan. Hal
Aksi Demo di Kantor Gubernur Papua itu hanya mencari Perhatian
Pemerintah Pusat Maka Kami akan Ambilalih.
10. Perang terus
sampai Dunia Kiamat. Tutur Gen. Goliat Tabuni
melalui telpon selulernya dari Markas Pusat
Tingginambut Papua Barat Melalui Komadan Operasi Lekagak Telenggen
dan Militer Murib.
Tingginambut 7 Maret 2016
Langsung dari Walmanap
Puncak Jaya Papua Barat
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