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Nara Masista and Ainan Nuran (Indonesian
diplomats who is
innocent and ignorant
By: Victor Mambor
Hi Ainan, may you be okay like the last time we met in New York US.
Oh yes, I am amazed to see your style responding to the speech of four Pacific countries at the UN General Assembly Debated Session 72th yesterday.
No different from Nara Marsitha,
your partner. You are very vehemently denying all charges. As if there was no
other day to argue, it had to be completed.
HOAX, that word you used at the beginning of the responsed you read. Indeed in Indonesia today, HOAX is becoming a trend. Government until the ordinary people like to be dwarfed if not mention the word HOAX it.
That's a good choice of words for
the responsed you're reading.
By the way Ainan, I have been living in Papua for a long time. You know that right? But how come I have never heard what you call "massive development process in the last three years"?
By the way Ainan, I have been living in Papua for a long time. You know that right? But how come I have never heard what you call "massive development process in the last three years"?
4,325 kilometers of roads? Where is
it Ainan? Can you explain to me that the 4,325 kilometers of the road runs from
where to where and when it was built?
If the road exists, it is impossible
for fuel prices to reach 50 thousand IDR per liter and cement prices above 1
million IDR per sack. Is not President
Joko Widodo said the road infrastructure is a means of reducing the overpriced
in Papua?
Ainan, next year take Nara to enjoy in
Baliem Valley Festival in Wamena, Highlands of West Papua so you can feel the
expensive of BBM (fuel oil) in Wamena, Highlands of West Papua.
I am willing to accompany both of you
to travel overland from Jayapura, Capital Province of Papua to Wamena. But
sorry, the road trip was just a dream. Hahaha ... .. do not worry, I can treat
you plane tickets New York to Wamena, Highlands of West Papua round trip.
30 new ports and 7 airports? Can you mention the new port and airport where? It is? 2.8 million Indigenous people of West Papua are can be free health care? If 2.8 million Indigenous people of West Papua are including myself, Ainan oh Ainan, your mouth is quick to read the text but your knowledge and understanding about Papua is very minimal.
As a Papuan Native, I never got that
free health service. You should know, health is expensive. And this country of
Indonesia is not able to meet the overpriced. There are still many people as like
me Ainan, do not lebay yeah.
Even if you insist on saying so, then why do many toddlers who died in Nduga, Koroway, Deiyai to Merauke? Or do you think the toddler is not Indigenous people of West Papua?
Let's not think of getting free
health care, paid services can not be met because doctors and medical personnel
are very limited. You will never be able to imagine what the Indigenous people
of West Papua faced in the interior of Papua.
Then, 360 thousand students and native Papuan students get free education? Oh my God, please Ainan, come to Papua only. You can be a scholarship selection committee. Then see for yourself, how many Indigenous people of West Papua get scholarships compared to Non-Papuans who take the scholarship that the rights of the Papuans indigenous people?
9.21 percent economic growth? This one I can not comment because I do not know how to calculate it.
Now, when it comes to allegations of Pacific countries, I do not have to question you. You are not the right person to ask. But the arrest, murder, shootings were a reality that occurred in Papua.
Early last August 2017 there were
members of Brimob (Indonesian Police) who shot dozens of civilians to death and
others wounded. Even if they are undergoing an ethical trial, what sanctions do
you know?
Only mutations and apologies.
Causing people to die by breaking the procedure just sorry sanction? That is
just one example among tens or maybe hundreds of cases since Papua is a part of
the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
As a highly educated person, you should be aware that arguing can only happen if each debating party has the same knowledge and information. If not, then one party will be an irrational party! Unfortunately again, it could be a HOAX spreader!
Last year Nara ended her words with the saying "one finger pointing forward and four fingers pointing at themselves". She was unconscious while practicing the proverb, four fingers pointing at himself. This year Ainan ends the response you read with the saying, "whoever taps the water in the docket, splashing his own face". Who patted the water and whose face was splashed on Ainan? You yourself Ainan. Because you've deployed HOAX. PS.
Anyway, I love you full! I'm coming to New York in late October this year. Pick
me up at JFK yeah!
Wraited by Victor Mambor, a Senior
Journalist of West Papua, on September, 28th 2017 from Port Numbay,
West Papua.
Translated, Edited & republished
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human
Rights Defender
West Papuan Political Prisoner)
Oleh: Victor
Hai Ainan, semoga
kamu baik-baik saja seperti terakhir kali kita bertemu di New York.
Oh ya, saya kagum
sekali melihat gaya kamu menanggapi pidato empat negara Pasifik di sidang Majelis
Umum PBB kemarin. Tak ada bedanya dengan Nara Masitha, rekan kamu itu. Kamu
sangat berapi-api membantah semua tuduhan. Seakan tak ada hari lain untuk
membantah, saat itu harus tuntas.
HOAX, kata itu
kamu gunakan di awal tanggapan yang kamu baca itu. Memang di Indonesia saat
ini, HOAX sedang menjadi trend. Pemerintah hingga masyarakat awam seperti
menjadi kerdil kalau tak menyebut kata HOAX itu. Itu pilihan kata yang bagus
untuk tanggapan yang kamu bacakan itu.
By the way Ainan,
sudah lama saya tinggal di Papua. Kamu tahu itu kan? Tapi kok saya seperti tak
pernah mendengar apa yang kamu sebut "proses pembangunan masif dalam tiga
tahun belakangan ini"?
4.325 kilometer
jalan? Dimana saja itu Ainan? Bisakah kamu menjelaskan pada saya 4.325
kilometer jalan itu terbentang dari mana hingga kemana dan kapan dibangun? Jika
jalan itu ada, tak mungkin harga BBM bisa mencapai 50 ribu perliter dan harga
semen diatas 1 juta per sak. Bukankah Presiden Joko Widodo mengatakan
infrastruktur jalan adalah sarana mengurangi kemahalan di Papua?
Ainan, tahun depan
ajaklah Nara menikmati Festival Lembah Baliem di Wamena, agar kalian bisa
merasakan mahalnya BBM di Wamena. Saya bersedia menemani kalian berdua menempuh
perjalanan darat dari Jayapura ke Wamena. Tapi maaf, perjalanan darat itu hanya
mimpi saja. Hahaha….. tak usah khawatir, saya bisa mentraktir kalian tiket
pesawat New York – Wamena pulang pergi.
30 pelabuhan baru
dan 7 airport? Bolehlah disebutkan pelabuhan dan airport baru dimana saja itu?
2,8 juta OAP dapat
pelayanan kesehatan gratis? Jika 2,8 juta itu adalah penduduk OAP, termasuk
saya, Ainan oh Ainan, mulutmu lincah membaca teks tapi pengetahuan dan
pemahamanmu tentang Papua sangat minim. Sebagai Orang Asli Papua, saya tidak
pernah mendapatkan layanan kesehatan gratis itu. Kamu seharusnya tahu,
kesehatan itu mahal. Dan negara Indonesia ini tak sanggup memenuhi kemahalan
itu. Masih banyak orang seperti saya Ainan, jangan lebay deh.
Kalaupun kamu
tetap bersikeras mengatakan demikian, lalu mengapa banyak balita yang meninggal
di Nduga, Koroway, Deiyai hingga Merauke? Atau kamu berpikir balita itu bukan
OAP? Jangankan berpikir mendapatkan layanan kesehatan gratis, layanan berbayar
pun tak bisa dipenuhi karena dokter dan tenaga medis sangat terbatas. Kamu tak
akan pernah bisa membayangkan apa yang dihadapi oleh Orang Asli Papua di
pedalaman Papua.
Lalu, 360 ribu
siswa dan mahasiswa asli Papua mendapatkan pendidikan gratis? Oh my God, please
Ainan, datang ke Papua saja. Kamu bisa jadi panitia seleksi beasiswa. Lalu lihat
sendiri, seberapa banyak Orang Asli Papua yang mendapatkan beasiswa
dibandingkan Non Papua yang mengambil beasiswa yang menjadi hak Orang Asli
Papua itu?
9,21 persen
pertumbuhan ekonomi? Yang ini saya tak bisa berkomentar karena tak tahu
bagaimana cara menghitungnya.
Nah, kalau soal
tuduhan negara-negara Pasifik itu, saya tak perlu mempertanyakannya pada kamu.
Kamu bukan orang yang tepat untuk ditanyai. Tapi penangkapan, pembunuhan,
penembakan itu kenyataan yang terjadi di Papua. Awal Agustus lalu kan ada
anggota Brimob yang tembak belasan warga sipil hingga meninggal dan lainnya
terluka. Sekalipun mereka ini menjalani sidang etik, sanksinya kamu tahu apa?
Hanya mutasi dan permintaan maaf. Menyebabkan orang meninggal dengan menyalahi
prosedur kok hanya disanksi minta maaf? Itu hanya salah satu contoh diantara
puluhan atau mungkin ratusan kasus sejak Papua ini menjadi bagian NKRI.
Sebagai seorang
yang berpendidikan tinggi, kamu seharusnya sadar berdebat itu hanya bisa
terjadi jika masing-masing pihak yang berdebat memiliki pengetahuan dan
informasi yang setara. Jika tidak, maka satu pihak akan menjadi pihak yang
tidak rasional! Celakanya lagi, bisa menjadi penyebar HOAX!
Bagaimana pun , Saya sangat mencintai mu I love you full!
Saya akan datang ke New York akhir Oktober. Jemput saya di JFK ya!
Jayapura, 28/9/2017
Translated, Edited & republished
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human
Rights Defender
West Papuan Political Prisoner)
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