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Tuesday 19 November 2019

An Special Photographer & Filmeker of TPNPB-OPM, Late Yason Sambom Passed on Nov 19th 2019 at Wamena Hospital

The photo of Yason Sambom, when he were presentation to Indigenous people of  Papuans and  also to TPNPB members in Kwijawage, Central Highlands of West Papua on TPNPB-OPM struggle for West Papuans right to  self determination, this photo was  taken on December 16th 2016 
On this day, November 19th 2019, there was passed away a loyal independent Papuan fighter on behalf of  Late Yason Sambom.

Late Yason Sambom is the TPNPB News Admin and Special Staff of the National Command of TPNPB-OPM Team Works, who throughout his life were only working for the sake of the liberation of the Papuan Nation from the hands of the Indonesian Colonial Government.

Late Jason has died in a deadly accident, which could not help his life, after took at Wamena Hospital, West Papua. And today, Tuesday, November 19th 2019, we are the people of Papua Nation, and all the Freedom fighters and more specifically We, the Sambom family, have lost the best our man of the Papuan people.

Thank you for your services and your dedication in the struggle of the Papuan people, hopefully their spirits will be accepted by the creator of heaven and earth.

Note: The success of work in the struggle that has been and is being carried out by the National Command of TPNPB-OPM is inseparable from the hard work of Late Yason Sambom and his friends in National Team Work.

Therefore, TPNPB-OPM announced national grief, because a special staff of the National Command of TPNPB-OPM Work Team, who had shown their loyalty in the struggle of the Papuan Nation during the period since he was in junior high school, in Wamena in 2003, until now in 2019 has gone forever to overtake we.

We, the extended family of the Papuan Nation Freedom Fighters, convey our deep condolence condolence, and may the families left behind receive comfort from the Almighty.

Good bye for eternity Late Yason Sambom, a Papuan national freedom fighter. We will record your services in the history of the TPNPB-OPM Struggle, and we will continue this struggle to become a free Papua. Good bye forever the Papuan Revolutionary Fighter. Rest in Peace .. !!!
This sad news was delivered by the Headquarters of the National Command of TPNPB-OPM today Tuesday, November 19th 2019.

Best regards,

Chief of Staff of the National Command of TPNPB-OPM


Major General Terryanus Satto
NRP. 73120000003

The photo of Yason Sambom an Photographer & Filmeker of TPNPB-OPM  on the way to Ilaga, Central Highlands of West Papua, photo were taken on December 15th 2016 by the Tema Works of TPNPB. (pic document TPNPB-OPM)

A TPNPB-OPM specialist photographer and filmeker is gone. Late Yason Sambom, We will commemorate his work and services. Waa, Nare. You're a Failed Captain, Salute to you. God gives you rewards.

In Malay Indonesian as follow....!!!!

Berita Duka Disampaikan Kepada Semua Pimpinan dan Anggota TPNPB-OPM, KNPB dan Rakyat Bangsa Papua di Seluruh dunia

Pada hari ini Tanggal 19 November 2019 telah meninggal dunai seorang Pejuang Papua merdeka yang loyal atas nama Yason Sambom. Yason Sambom adalah Admin TPNPB News dan Staff Khusus Tim KOMNAS TPNPB, yang selama hidupnya Hanya kerja Demi pembebasan Nasional Bangsa Papua dari tangan Pemerintah Kolonial Indonesia. 

Yason telah meninggal dunia karena kecelakaan maut, yang tidak dapat menolong nyawanya. Dan pada hari ini Selasa Tanggal 19 November 2019, kami Rakyak Bangsa Papua, Dan semua pejuang serta lebih khusu Kami keluarga Sambom telah kehilangan seorang putra terbaik bangsa Papua. 

Terima Kasih atas jasa dan pemgabdiannya dalam perjuangan bangsa Papua, semoga arwanya di Terima Oleh sang halik langit dan bumi. 

Catatan: Keberhasilan kerja dalam Perjuangan yang telah dan sedang dilakukan Oleh KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM tidak terlepas kerja keras Tuan Yason Sambom dan kawan-kawanya. 

Oleh karena itu TPNPB-OPM mengumumkan duka nasional, karena seorang staff Khusus Tim Kerja KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM,  yang telah menunjukan kesetiaannya dalam perjuangan Bangsa Papua selama dari sejak dia sekolah SMP, di Wamena tahun 2003, sampai kini tahun 2019 telah Pergi Untuk selamanya mendahului kita. 

Kami keluarga besar Pejuang Bangsa Papua sampaikan duka yang dalam, Dan semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan dapat menerima penghiburan dari yang MW54U$Was6 i4rgm9uh1 4b,0paha kuasa. 

Salamat jalan untuk selamanya Tuan Yason Sambom, pejuang Kemerdekaan Bangsa Papua. Kmai akan mencatat jasa mu dalam sejarah Perjuangan TPNPB-OPM, Dan kami akan terus lanjutkan perjuangan ini sempai Papua Merdeka. Good bye forever sang Pejuang Revolisioner bangsa Papua. Rest in Peace..!!!

Berita Duka ini disampaikan Oleh Manajemen Markas pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM pada hari ini Selasa Tanggal 19 November 2019. 

Hormat Kami, 

Kepala Staff Umum KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM
Mayjen Terryanus Satto
NRP. 73120000003

Attachment photos of Late Yason Sambom

Photo Karya Yason Sambom dan Kawan-kawannya (TimKerja KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM, Kwijawage 15 Desember 2016

Yason Sambom dan kawan-kawan Tim Kerja KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM setelah di Jemput Oleh Komand Operasi Umum TPNPB-OPM Mayjen Lekagak Telenggen di Kwijawage pada Tanggal 16 Desember 2016
Photo Almarhum Yason Sambom, seorang photographer dan filmeker khusus bagi KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM. Ilaga 16 Desember 2016, photo doc Tim Kerja TPNPB-OPM

Seorang specialis Photographer dan filmeker TPNPB-OPM telah tiada, Kami akan mengenang karya dan jasanya. Waa, Nare. Engkau seorang Capten Yang Gagal, Hormat untuk mu. Tuhan memberikan imbalan kepada mu.

Publish by admin

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