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Thursday, 23 May 2019

Central Hq Command of TPNPB-OPM Officially Announces National Condolence for the Yahukimo Regional Commander Bridgen Yerri Wakman Kobak Were Killed by Indonesian Security Forces Through Toture

The photo of Commander of Defense Regionla Command 16th of  TPNPB-OPM in Yahukimo,Papua (pic doc TPNPB)

The headquarter got received the condolence report on May 21th, 2019, and it was confirmed that the late Yahukimo Commander in Chief on behalf of Bridgen Yerri Wakman Kobak had died due to torture by the Indonesian Security Forces in Yahukimo, Papua.

Based on this confirmation report that the Central HQ Command of TPNPB-OPM management via the General Staff Chief announced the alleged national for all TPNPB-OPM fighters and the Papuan Nation in all of the Land of Papua.

The West Papua National Liberation Army Leaders at the Central Headquarters Command felt the loss of a leader. Therefore, we conveyed a dole on the departure of the late Bridgen Yerri Wakman.

Even though the Commander of the Yahukimo Defense Region Commander is gone, We believe that the struggle will be continued by all TPNPB-OPM fighters in Yahukimo and throughout the Lands of Papua.

May God provide comfort to us all TPNPB-OPM fighters and more specifically to families in the village.

Central Headquarters of TPNPB-OPM give respect and say thanks You for his services in the struggle of the Papuan nation, and Thank you also to all staff and members of the Yahukimo Defense Region Command XVI of TPNPB-OPM for good cooperation in the struggle.

Thus, this sad news was conveyed to all the fighters and to the people of Papua to know that a TPNPB-OPM military leader was killed by the Indonesia Security Forces through torture. He died due to torture by Indonesian security forces.

This sad news or condolence can be issued by the Management of the Central Headquarters of the National  Command of  West Papua National Libertaion Army (TPNPB-OPM), on May 24th, 2019.
And thank you for the condolences of all parties.
The photo inauguration of defense  Regional Commanders of the TPNPB-OPM in Tabi Lands of Papua in 2014 (pic Doc KOMNAS TPNPB)
In Indonesian Malay as follow….!!!

KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Secara Resmi Umumkan Duka Nasional atas Terbunuhnya Panglima KODAP 16 TPNPB Yahukimo Atas Nama Bridgen Yerri Wakman Kobak

Markas pusat telah menerima berita duka pada Tanggal 21 Mei 2019, dan diconfirmasi bahwa Almarhum Panglima KODAP Yahukimo atas Nama Bridgen Yerri Wakman Kobak telah meninggal dunia akibat penyiksaan Oleh apparat Keamanan Indonesia di Yahukimo. 

Berdasarkan laporan konfirmasi pada tangal 21 Mei 2019 ini bahwa management KOMNAS TPNPB via Kepala Staff Umum mengumumkan duka national bagi semua Pejuang TPNPB-OPM dan Rakyat Bangsa Papua di seluruh Tanah Papua.  

Komando Markas Pusat Tentara Pembebasan National Papua Barat merasa kehilangan seorang pimpinan, Oleh Karena itu Kami sampaikan Turut Berduaka atas kepergian almarhum Bridgen Yerri Wakman. 

Sekalipun Panglima kodap telah tiada, namun Kami percaya bahwa perjuangan akan dilanjutkan Oleh semua pejuang TPNPB-OPM baik di Yahukimo dan di seluruh Tanah Papua. 

Semoga Tuhan memberikan penghiburan kepada kami semua Pejuang TPNPB-OPM dan yang lebih khusus kepada keluarga di kampung. 

Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM sampaikan Terima Kasih atas jasa almarhum dalam perjuangan bangsa Papua, dan Terima Kasih juga kepada semua staff dan anggota TPNPB-OPM KODAP 16 Yahukimo atas kerja sama yang baik dalam perjuangan. 

Demikian, berita duka ini disampaikan kepada semua pejuang dan rakyat bangsa Papua untuk dapat diketahuinya bahwa seorang Pimpinan Militer TPNPB-OPM relay dibunuh Oleh apparat keamanan Indonesia melalui penyiksaan. Beliau Mati akibat Penyiksaan Oleh Aparat Kemanan Indonesia. 

Berita duka ini dapat dikeluarkan Oleh Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM, pada Tanggal 24 Mei 2019. Dan Terima Kasih atas belasungkawa dari semua pihak. 

Minutes of Oath of TPNPB-OPM Officers, For Commander of KODAP 16 Yahukimo Bridgen Yerry Wakman Kobak
 Publishing by Admin

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