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Monday, 27 May 2019

Indonesian Military And Police In Papua Always Shoot Off Papuan Native People As Like Hunting Animals

The photo of Julianus Mote who were shot death by Indonesian Police in Deiyai Regency of Papua on May 21th 2019

We all activists of Free Papua have a Note in the history of our struggle that the Indonesian Police and Military serving in Papua do not have a heart of humanity, and they are very arrogant towards indigenous Papuans.

In this case, we have noted that only a small problems, the Indonesian Police and Military are not used to asking for the cause of the clash or commotion, but they just shoot the indigenous Papuans as like animals.

And this applies from May 1th, 1963, to the Indonesian military invasion of West Papua. From then on, that's the root of the problems in Papua, where also Papuan people were shot and killed as like hunting animals by the Indonesian Police and Military.

To prove it, we can see the shooting at Deiyai, and at Asmat in May 2019. This shooting event was very barbaric carried out by Indonesian Police and Military Members against indigenous Papuans.

We, as activists who are fighting for the Political Rights of Self-Determination for the Papuan Natives, are very sorry and deeply sorrowful for the cruel acts of the security apparatus of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in Papua.

Why? Because our people were shot as like hunting animals by the police and the Indonesian military, and this always happens serially when throughout the territory of West Papua.

In this case we have followed the news and heard that Indonesia shot dead a native of Papua in Deiyai ​​on behalf of Julius Mote, an 18th year-old student and a gunshot wound in the name of Elianus Dogopia. The shooting incident at Deiyai ​​has occurred on May 21th, 2019.

And not long after, We heard about the shooting of indigenous Papuans by the Indonesian Military and Police in Asmat, Merauke region, Papua.

We heard that in this incident, four indigenous Papuans in Asmat, Merauke region were shot dead by the Indonesian Police and Military on May 27th, 2019.

The names of four Papuan Natives who were shot dead by the Indonesian Military and Police in Asmat were Xaverius Sai, Nilolaus Tupa, Matias Amunep and Fredrikus Inepi. While those who suffered injuries were Salmon Firap, Fitalis Akun, Leo Pakanam and John Tatai. John Tatai is now critical in Agats Hospital.
Seeing this situation, we are truly shocked and humanly reasonable that we cannot accept the treatment of the Indonesian military and police against these indigenous Papuans who are not very friendly.

Therefore we call on the International and National Society and also the Government of the United Nations Member countries around the world to help us and save our people from acts of crime by the Indonesian Military and Police in Papua.

We hope that there is attention by the United Nations and also human rights workers throughout the world, because Indonesian police and military crimes against indigenous  people of Papuan are very brutal and inhumane.

We also convey all the news about the shooting of  Papua people by the Indonesian Police and the Indonesian military in Papua, which have been and are being updated by all indigenous Papuans through social media and also blog posts and WordPress.com, as well as websites managed by indigenous Papuans are true and accurate news.

Because Indonesia does not open access for Indonesian and International journalists, including local journalists in Papua. All journalists in Papua are all supervised by the military and the Indonesian police, so the reporters are not Vegas to carry out coverage throughout the Papua region.

Shooting news in Papua may follow the links below:

1. Tentara Tembak Masyarakat Asmat Karena Protes Pengalihan Suara Pileg ke Caleg Non Papua 

Such is the news about the brutality of the Indonesian Military and Police in Papua, presumably there is attention by all parties who care about humanity. Thanks You.

writer by Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Freedom Fighters
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

Photo John Tatai warga Fayit, korban penembakan yang kini kritis di RSUD Agat, Asmat, Papua.@ sumber pic Asiam/Facebook/Tribun-Arafura

In Indonesian Malay as follow….!!!

Militer Dan Polisi Indonesia Di Papua Selalu Tembak Mati Orang Asli Papua Serti Binatang Buruan

Kami semua aktifis Papua Merdeka mempunyai Catatan dalam sejarah perjuangan Kami bahwa Polisi dan Militer Indonesia yang bertugas di Papua tidak memiliki hati kemanusiaan, dan mereka sangat arogan terhadap orang asli Papua.

Dalam hal ini Kami telah mencatatat bahwa hanya masalah kecil saja, Polisi dan Militer Indonesia tidak biasa tanya penyebab pentrokan atau keributan, namun langsung saja mereka tembak orang asli Papua seperti binatang.

Dan hal ini berlaku dari sejak Tanggal 1 Mei 1963, dimana invasi military Indonesia di Papua Barat. Dari sejak itulah akar masalah di Papua, dimana orang also Papua ditembak dan dibunuh seperti binatang Burhan Oleh Polisi dan Militer Indonesia.

Untuk membuktikannya Kita bisa lihat peristiwa penembakan di Deiyai, dan di Asmat dalam Bulan Mei 2019 ini. Peristiwa penembakan ini sangat biadab yang dilakukan Oleh Anggota Polisi dan Militer Indeonesia terhadap orang asli Papua.

Kami sebagai aktifis yang memperjuangkan hak Politik Penentuan Nasib Sendiri bagi Orang Asli Papua sangat menyesal dan rasa duka yang sangat mendalam atas tindakan keji apparat Keamanan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia di Papua ini.

Mengapa? Karena rakyat kami ditembak seperti binatang Burhan Oleh Polisi dan Militer Indonesia, dan hal ini selalu saja terjadi serial saat di seluruh wilaya territory Papua Barat.

Dalam Hal ini Kami telah ikuti berita dan mendengar bahwa Indonesia telah menembak Mati Seorang penduduk asli Papua di Deiyai atas nama Yulius Mote seorang pelajar umur 18 tahun dan seorang luka tembak atas nama Elianus Dogopia. Peristiwa penembakan di Deiyai telah terjadi pada Tanggal 21 Mei 2019.

Dan tidak lama kemudian, Kami mendengar peristiwa penembakan terhadap orang asli Papua Oleh Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Asmat, wilayah Merauke, Papua.

Kami mendengar bahwa dalam insiden ini, empat orang asli Papua di Asmat, wilayah Merauke telah ditembak Mati Oleh Polisi dan Militer Indonesia pada Tanggal 27 Mei 2019.

Nama empat Orang Asli Papua yang ditembak mati Oleh Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Asmat adalah Xaverius Sai, Nilolaus Tupa, Matias Amunep dan Fredrikus Inepi. Sementara yang mengalami luka-luka adalah Salmon Firap, Fitalis Akun, Leo Pakanam dan John Tatai. John Tatai kini sedang kritis di RSUD Agats.

Melihat situai ini, Kami benar-benar shock dan secara akal seat manusia bahwa kami tidak bisa Terima perlakukan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia terhadap orang Asli Papua yang sangat tidak manisiawi ini.

Oleh Karena itu Kami serukan kepada masyrakat Internasional dan Nasional dan juga kepada Pemerintah Negara-Negara Naggota PBB di seluruh dunia untuk membantu kami dan selamatkan rakyat Kami dari tindakan kejahatan Oleh Militerdan Polisi Indonesia di Papua.

Kami harap bahwa Ada perhatian Oleh PBB dan juga para pekerja HAM di seluruh dunia, Karena kejahatan military dan Polisi Indonesia terhadap orang also Papua sangat brutal dan tidak manusiawi.

Kami juga sampaikan bawah semua berita tentang penembakan terhadap orang also Papua Oleh Polisi dan militer Indonesia di Papua, yang telah dan sedang di update Oleh semua orang asli Papua melalui social media dan juga blogpost dan WordPress.com, dan juga website-website yang dikelolah Oleh orang asli Papua adalah berita-berita yang benar dan akurat.

Karena Indonesia tidak membuka akses bagi journalis Internasional dan Nasional Indonesia, juga termasuk wartawan local di Papua. Semua wartawan yang Ada di Papua semuanya diawasi Oleh military dan Polisi Indonesia, sehingga wartawan tidak Vegas Untuk melakukan liputan di seluruh wilayah Papua.

Berita terkai penembakan di Papua boleh ikuti link-link dibawah ini:

boleh lihat bagian dalam Bahasa Inggris di atas....!

Demikian berita tentang kebrutalan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Papua, kiranya Ada perhatian Oleh semua pihak yang peduli akan kemanusiaan.  Terima Kasih.

Penulis Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Freedom Fighters
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

Publish by Admin

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