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Thursday, 23 May 2019

The Indonesian Military Has Burned 67th Indigenous Houses in Ndugama Papua

The photo of Indonesian Military Forces were when carrying out military operations in Ndugama Region of Papua Territory
TPNPBNEWS: KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters has received an official report from TPNPB Defense Region Commander III (KODAP III) Ndugama on May 19th, 2019, and in this report said that Indonesian Military (TNI) personnel were burned 67th houses of local residents.

Houses that have been burned by the Indonesian military are in Mam District and Derakma District, namely 7 Houses belonging to the Yal District Community, 2 Yigi District Community-Owned Houses. The total number of houses that have been burned by the Indonesian military is 67th houses in 8th District in the Ndugama Region, Papa. These 67th houses have been burned by the Indonesian military from April 2019 and May 2019.

Furthermore, the TPNPB Ndugama KODAP III Commander Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya reported that the target of Military Operations by the Indonesian Forces was on the local population, and was an excessive and inhuman act of arrogance that had been and is being carried out by the Indonesian military.

And Ndugama war between TPNPB and TNI forces is not in accordance with War Humanitarian Law, or violates other international agreements.

Why? Because the use of weapons is not balanced, the TPNPB forces use 1 weapon against 7000 referring to the Indonesian Military's standard weapon, and hundreds of referrals to the Indonesian Military's heavy weapons.

By looking at this situation, KODAP III TPNPB-OPM Ndugama asked to the International Community and the Government of UN member states concerned with humanity to immediately take urgent action to save the Nduga community from the brutal actions by the Indonesian Military.

And in the second report dated May 20th, 2019 report the situation and the last condition of Military operations that have been and are being carried out by the Indonesian military in Ndugama, Papua.

The last situation report may follow below:
1. There has been a brutal and inhumane sweeping by the Indonesian Military in 8 Districts in the Nduga Regency, Papua, namely from the 15th, 16th and 17th of May 2019 in the Ndugama area;
2. In the military operation in Mbua District 4 local community housing units were seized by Indonesian military forces to be used as Indonesian Military Posts, and one housing unit in the Dal District had been burned, 1 Community-owned Pig  about 15 million rupiah price were killed and fed by the TNI Forces and saw the Indonesian military's brutal actions, the locals evacuated out of the village.
3. The same house in Derakma District 15 houses which are Village offices also was burned and 32th houses belonging to the Community burned;
4. On the same day and date it has also happened in Yigi District, which is 2th housing units which are Village Offices in the Burn and 10th houses belonging to the Community Burn by the Indonesian Military.

Seeing the situation and conditions of the indigenous Papuan people in Ndugama, I, as the Commander of the TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama Bridgen Egianus Kogeya asked the international attention and the UN Fact Finding Team and the International Journalists to immediately enter the war conflic area in Ndugama Papua.

Thus the situation report and Condition were caused by the Indonesian Military Forces Operations in the Ndugama region. Thank you for your attention.

Forwarded to all Journalists and Human Rights Workers around the world by TPNPB-OPM Spokesperson Mr. Sebby Sambom.

The photo of Conditions and situations of the displacement of the Ndugama community in Regency, Papua (pic supplies)
In Indonesian Malay as follow..!!!!

Militer Indonesia Telah Membakar 67 Rumah Penduduk Asli Di Distrik Mam dan Distrik Derakma di Ndugama Papua

TPNPBNEWS: Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM telah terima laporan resmi dari TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama pada tanggal 19 Mei 2019, dan dalam laporan ini mengatakan bahwa aparat TNI membakar 67 rumah Warga setempat.

Rumah-rumah yang telah dibakar Oleh Militer Indonesia adalah di Distrik Mam dan Distrik Derakma, yaitu 7 Rumah Honai milik Masyarakat Distrik Yal, 2 Rumah Milik Masyarakat Distrik Yigi. Jumlah total rumah yang telah dibakar Oleh military Indonesia adalah 67 rumah di 8 Dsitrik di Wilayah Ndugama, Papa. 67 rumah ini yang telah dibakar oleh militer Indonesia  ini dari sejak bulan April 2019 dan Mei 2019.

Selanjutnya Panglima KODAP III TPNPB Ndugama Bridgen  Ekianus Kogeya melaporkan bahwa sasaran Operasi Militer Oleh Pasukan Indonesia adalah pada Peduduk local, dan merupakan aksi arogansi yang berlebihan dan tidak manusiawi yang telah dan sedang dilakukan Oleh military Indonesia.

Dan perang Ndugama antara TPNPB dengan pasukan TNI adalah tidak sesuai Hukum Humaniter Perang, atau melanggar perjanjian Internasional lainnya. 

Mengapa? Karena Penggunaan senjata tidak Sehimbang yaitu pasukan TPNPB menggunakan 1 Pujuk Senjata  lawan 7000 pujuk senjata standar Militer Indonesia, dan ratusan pujuk senjata berat milk Militer  Indonesia. 

Dengan melihat situasi ini, maka TPNPB-OPM KODAP III Ndugama minta kepada Masyarakat Internasional dan Pemerintah Negara-Negara anggota PBB yang peduli akan  kemanusiaan segera melakukan tindakan mendesak Demi selamatkan masyarakat Nduga dari aksi brutal Militer Indonesia. 

Dan dalam laporan kedua tertanggal 20 Mei 2019 melaporkan situasi dan Kodisi terakhir operasi Militer yang telah dan sedang dilakukan Oleh militer Indonesia di Ndugama, Papua.

Laporan situasi terakhir boleh ikuti dibawah ini:
1.      Telah terjadi penjisiran brutal dan tidak manusiawi oleh Militer Indonesia di 8 Distrik di wilayah Kabupaten Nduga, Papua yaitu dari tanggal 15,16 dan 17 di wilyah Ndugama;
2.     Dalam Operasi militer tersebut di Distrik Mbua 4 unit rumah milik Masyarakat setempat dirampas oleh pasukan militer Indonesia untuk dijadikan Pos Militer Indonesia, dan satu unit rumah di Distrik Dal telah dibakar,  1 Ekor Babi harga 15 juta Milik Masyarakat di potong dan makan oleh Pasukan TNI dan melihat aksi brutal militer Indonesia ini maka warga setempat Mengungsi keluar kampung.
3.     Tanggl yang sama di Distrik Derakma 15 rumah yang merupakan kantor Desa di Bakar dan 32 rumah milik Masyarakat di bakar;
4.     Pada tanggal dan Hari Yang sama juga telah terjadi di Distrik Yigi, yaitu 2 unit rumah yang merupakan Kantor  Desa di Bakar serta 10 rumah milik Masyarakat di Bakar oleh Militer Indonesia.

Melihat situasi dan kondisi masyrakat orang asli Papua di Ndugama ini, maka saya selaku Panglima KODAP III TPNPB Ndugama Bridgen Egianus Kogeya mintaperhatian Internasional dan tim Pencari Fakta PBB dan Wargtawan Internasional segera masuk ke ndugam.

Demikian laporan situasi dan Kodisi terakir akibat Operasi Militer oleh Pasukan Militer Indonesia di wilayah Ndugama. Terima kasih atas perhatian anda.

Diteruskan kepada semua Journalis dan Pekerja HAM di Seluruh dunia oleh Juru Bicara TPNPB-OPM Tuan Sebby Sambom.

Publish by Admin

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