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Photo of the Ndugama Indigenous People are flee to safe palce other part the region cause of the brutaly Indonesian Military operation in Ndugama teritorries (pic supplyed doc West Papuan Activists) |
Press Release of KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM on May 9th, 2019
TPNPBNEWS: The official report from Ndugama
Papua today on May 9th, 2019 at 6:25 am Ndugama time, which was
reported directly by the KODAP III Commander of TPNPB Ekianus Kogoya through
the operation Commander of Pemne's Kogeya that there had been burning of residents'
houses about 9th and Healthy Houses/ Permanen Houses about 5. Its Jokowi
Program buildings and Yal District Staff barracks.
The event of the Brutal operation by the Indonesian military has taken place in
Yal District this morning, and has been carried out by the Indonesian Military
or Police Forces.
And there are other reports that on May 2th 2019 TNI troops also burned
17 Community Houses in Yigi District.
The burning of these housees starts from Date 1,2, and 3 of May 2019 and
until this morning May 8th 2019, and a total of 31th Houses that
have been burned by the Indonesian military.
Notes and Recommendations from KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters:
By looking at the situation in the war conflict area in Ndugama, where the Indonesian Military Forces had and were carrying out massive military operations in the region but Media and officials in Papua both the Governor and all the Regents seemed to not care about the suffering of the Papuan people in Ndugama.
In this case the National and International Human Rights Working groups were silent for a thousand words, and there was no humanitarian action for the Nduga native Refugees.
The military operations that have been and are being carried out by the Indonesian Military Forces in the Ndugama Region are very brutal and inhumane.
Why do we say inhuman? Because the Indonesian Military Forces were grounded, houses belonging to local people were burned.
And this cruel action cannot be accepted by human reason, therefore we recommend to all parties to take urgent action to respect human rights for the indigenous people of Ndugama, Papua. Thanks you.
Forwarded to all Journalists and Human Rights Workers around the world by TPNPB-OPM Spokesperson Mr. Sebby Sambom.
Paradise Islands of Papua May 9th, 2019
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Photo Masyrakat Nduga Mengungsi ke Hutan Akibat Operasi Miiter oleh Tentara dan Polisi Indonesia di Ndugama Papua |
Indonesian Malay as follow…..!!!
Militer Indonesia Telah Membakar 31 Rumah Penduduk Asli Papua di Ndugama Papua
Dari Tanggal 1 Sampai 8 Mei 2019
Siaran Perss KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Per 9
Mei 2019
TPNPBNES: Laporan resmi dari
Ndugama Papua hari ini tanggal 8 Mei 2019 pagi pukul 6:25 waktu Ndugama, yang mana telah dilaporkan langsung oleh Panglima
KODAP III TPNPB Ekianus Kogoya melalui Komandan operasinya Pemne Kogeya bahwa telah terjadi pembakaran rumah Warga
bentuk Honai, yaitu 9 honai dan Rumah
sehat/Rumah seng 5 buah bangunan Program Jokowi dan barak Pegawai Distrik Yal.
Peristiwa operasi
Brutal oleh Militer Indonesia ini telah terjadi di
Distrik Yal pagi ini, dan telah
dilakukan oleh Pasukan TNI/ POLRI.
ada laporan lain bahwa tanggal 2 Mei 2019
TNI juga telah membakar 17 Honai milik Masyarakat di Distrik Yigi.
Pembakaran Rumah ini
di mulai dari Tanggal 1,2, dan 3 Mei 2019 sampai pagi ini 8 mei 2019, dan jumlah total 31 Rumah yang telah di bakar hangus oleh militer Indonesia.
Kogeya menambahkan bahwa laporan lengkap akan menyusul kemudian setelah mengumpulkan data.
Panglima Daerah Kodap III Ndugama Egianus Kogeya melalui komadan Operasi Pemne
Kogeya dari Ndugama, Papua.
dan Rekomendasi dari Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB:
melihat situasi di daerah konflik Perang di Ndugama, dimana Pasukan Militer Indonesia
telah dan sedang lakukan operasi militer yang massif di wilayah itu namun Media
dan para Pejabat di Papua baik itu Gubernur dan semua Bupati seakan tak peduli
dengan Penderitaan rakyat Papua di Ndugama.
hal ini Pekerja HAM Nasional dan Internasional pun bungkam seribu kata, dan
tidak ada tindakan kemanusiaan untuk Pengungsi Nduga.
militer yang telah dan sedang dilakukan oleh Pasukan Militer Indonesia di
Wilayah Ndugama sangat brutal dan tidak manusiawi.
kami katakana tidak manusiawi? Karena Pasukan Militer Indonesia membumi
hanguskan rumah-rumah milik penduduk asli setempat.
tindakan keji ini tidak dapat di terima oleh akal sehat manusia, oleh karena
itu kami rekomendasikan kepada semua pihak untuk melakukan aksi mendesak demi
menghargai hak-hak asasi manusia bagi penduduk asli orang Ndugama, Papua.
kepada semua Journalis dan Pekerja HAM
di seluruh dunia oleh Juru Bicara TPNPB-OPM Tuan Sebby Sambom.
9 Mei 2019
Publishing by Admin
Publishing by Admin
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