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The photo of Yogor Telenggen (in the middle) was closely guarded by the Indonesian Police (photo sulpplayed) |
Name : Yogor
Date of birth : 23 June 1988
Date of arrest : 12 May 2018
Status : Sentenced to life imprisonment
Charges : Article 340, 187 jo 55(1)(1), 365(1), 365(4)
Date of birth : 23 June 1988
Date of arrest : 12 May 2018
Status : Sentenced to life imprisonment
Charges : Article 340, 187 jo 55(1)(1), 365(1), 365(4)
Telenggen is a freedom fighter of the West Papua Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM). He was previously sentenced for life in prison in
2013 but escaped from Abepura prison on 8th of January 2016.
He was re-arrested at approximately 4 pm on 12th of May in Puncak Jaya regency.
Telenggen was shot below the knee during
arrest. He was subsequently taken to Bhayangkara hospital in Jayapura for
treatment. His whereabouts was unknown for almost a month following his arrest.
Neither he nor his family was given arrest and detention letters. He is
currently detained in Jayapura at the headquarters of Brimob (Mobile Brigade
Corps, a special unit of the Indonesia National Police). cource click here Political prisoners on the rise on March to June 2018
Furthermore, Yogor Telenggen after being arrested at the Papua Regional
Police Mobile Brigade in Jayapura Papua, then to submit to the Court they sent
Yogor Telenggen to the City of Manokwari, West Papua form Jayapura.
The Indonesian Prosecutor's statement in the mass media stated that the reason for the transfer of Yogor Telenggen to Manokwari was security, because the trial for Yogor Telenggen was not safe at the Jayapura District Court or in Nabire, Papua.
According to the Attorney General's Officer (Kejari) Nabire), the Papua Province transferred a prisoner who is also a member of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) on behalf of the Yellow Card Yoman or Yogor Telenggen a (30 years old) to Kejari Manokwari, on Wednesday 23th of January 2019.
"Transferring to Manokwari for security reasons, considering that Nabire Regency is adjacent to several OPM headquarters that we suspect has the potential to create security constraints, if we present this case there," Simanjuntak told reporters at Kejari Manokwari, on January 23th, 2019.
On that basis, continued Simanjuntak, his party submitted an application to the Supreme Court (MA) and obtained approval through the MA Fatwa Number: 271 / KMA / SK / XII / 2018, which approved the trial to be held in the Manokwari District Court for reasons of security factors.
In addition to the suspect, he said, the prosecutor's officer also handed over evidence in the form of 1 firearm (senpi) in the form of a Pindad G2 Combat type pistol with a Morning Star style and 1 ammunition.
The Head of Section (Kasi) Intelligence revealed that the gun belonged to Kopassus members on behalf of Pratu Sandi Noviana who is one of (OPM shooting victim), who was seized by the defendant after shooting dead victims at Sinak Market, Puncak Regency, Papua, on 12th February 2018 ago.
For his actions, the Yoman Yellow Card was charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code, Article 1 Paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 and Article 365 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 of the Criminal Code.
"For the detention of the suspects we are currently submitting to the Kejari Manokwari party while waiting for the determination of the trial," he said.
Meanwhile, Kajari Manokwari, Togging Banjar Nahor, SH, MAP revealed, for security reasons, while the suspect would be entrusted to the Mako Brimob West Papua Regional Police detention house in Manokwari while awaiting his trial schedule.
And furthermore, on May 3th, 2019 Yogor Telenggen was demanded by the
Public Prosecutor in the Manokwari District Court of West Papua for the Death
Penalty. By looking at these unfair Public Prosecutors' demands, the TPNPB-OPM
issues a Conditional Statement.
Statement of TPNPB-OPM on Death Penalty of Yogor Telenggen by the Indonesian Public Prosecutors
In the case of the death penalty for this Yogeng Telenggen”, then we from TPNPB-OPM call attention by Human Rights Institutions around the world and also by all those who are care about humanity that urge Indonesia to cancel the Death Penalty for West Papua Freedom Fighters on behalf of Yogor Telenggen. Why?
Because Yogor Telenggen's
legal prefect was a member of the West Papua NationalLiberation Army (TPNPB)
military and were shot at the enemy opponents namely members of the Indonesian
military and police, we therefore considered that the prosecutor was wrong in
the indictment.
Why? Because in the indictment the Public Prosecutor said that the premeditated murder, in this case our TPNPB-OPM considered that the Public Prosecutor's indictment was incorrect and the prosecutor's charges had to be dropped or canceled for the sake of law and human rights.
And this shooting took place in areas of war conflict, between the Indonesian military and the West Papua Liberation military. Not the killing of civil society, therefore it cannot be categorized as premeditated murder. And Yogor is now a political prisoner, not a criminal Prisoner.
On the basis of being a Papuan Political Prisoner, Indonesia has no right to execute the death penalty for Teleng Yogor. Because Yogor was indeed a West Papuan freedom Fighter from the military wing of the OPM namely the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) who fought for Papuan Political Rights to Self Determination of their own right for Independence.
In this case there are not many demands for TPNPB-OPM, but only two. First, the President of Republic of Indonesia immediately canceled the Death Penalty for West Papuan Freedom Fighters on behalf of Yogor Telenggen; Second, if you do not heed our request, the TPNPB-OPM will retaliate by military means of TPNPB.
Why? Because in the indictment the Public Prosecutor said that the premeditated murder, in this case our TPNPB-OPM considered that the Public Prosecutor's indictment was incorrect and the prosecutor's charges had to be dropped or canceled for the sake of law and human rights.
And this shooting took place in areas of war conflict, between the Indonesian military and the West Papua Liberation military. Not the killing of civil society, therefore it cannot be categorized as premeditated murder. And Yogor is now a political prisoner, not a criminal Prisoner.
On the basis of being a Papuan Political Prisoner, Indonesia has no right to execute the death penalty for Teleng Yogor. Because Yogor was indeed a West Papuan freedom Fighter from the military wing of the OPM namely the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) who fought for Papuan Political Rights to Self Determination of their own right for Independence.
In this case there are not many demands for TPNPB-OPM, but only two. First, the President of Republic of Indonesia immediately canceled the Death Penalty for West Papuan Freedom Fighters on behalf of Yogor Telenggen; Second, if you do not heed our request, the TPNPB-OPM will retaliate by military means of TPNPB.
Thus our Statement of TPNPB-OPM is issued to be able to be considered by all parties, and can be implemented. Thank you for the good cooperation.
Issued from KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters, on Sunday 5th of May 2019. And forwarded to all journalists and Human Rights Workers throughout the world by the spokesperson of KOMNAS TPNPB Mr. Sebby Sambom.
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Photo of Yogor Telenggen when he arrived at Manokwari Airport from Jayapura Papua with strict escort on |
Indonesian Malay as follow….!!!
TPNPB-OPM Menolak Hukuman Mati Kepada Yogor Telenggen Pejuang Pembebasan
Papua Barat
Nama :
Yogor Telenggen
Tanggal lahir : 23 Juni 1988
Tanggal penangkapan : 12 Mei 2018
Status : Dihukum penjara seumur hidup
Pasal Dakwaan : Artikel 340, 187 jo 55 (1) (1), 365 (1), 365 (4)
Tanggal lahir : 23 Juni 1988
Tanggal penangkapan : 12 Mei 2018
Status : Dihukum penjara seumur hidup
Pasal Dakwaan : Artikel 340, 187 jo 55 (1) (1), 365 (1), 365 (4)
Yogor Telenggen adalah pejuang kemerdekaan Tentara Pembebasan Papua
Barat (TPNPB-OPM). Dia sebelumnya dijatuhi hukuman seumur hidup di penjara pada tahun 2013, tetapi melarikan diri dari penjara Abepura pada tanggal 8 Januari 2016.
Kemudian dia ditangkap kembali sekitar pukul 16.00 pada 12 Mei 2018 di Kabupaten Puncak Jaya.
Yogor Telenggen ditembak di bawah lutut saat ditangkap. Dia kemudian dibawa ke rumah sakit Bhayangkara Kota Raja di Jayapura, untuk melakukan perawatan lutut yang tertembak.
Keberadaannya tidak diketahui selama hampir sebulan setelah
penangkapannya. Baik dia maupun keluarganya tidak diberikan surat penangkapan
dan penahanan. Dia saat ini ditahan di Jayapura di markas Brimob (Korps Brigade
Mobil, unit khusus Kepolisian Nasional Indonesia).
Yogor Telenggen setelah di tahan di Brimob POLDA Papua di Jayapura Papua, kemudian
untuk mengajukan ke Pengadilan mereka kirimYogor Telenggen ke Kota Manokwari
Papua Barat.
Jaksa Indonesia di media massa menyatakan bahwa alasan pemindahan Yogor Telenggen
ke Manokwari adalah menyangkut keamanan, karena sidang pengadilan untuk Yogor
Telenggen tidak aman di Pengadilan Negeri Jayapura Papua ataupun di Nabire,
Menurut Kejaksaan
Negeri (Kejari) Nabire, Provinsi Papua memindahkan seorang tahanan yang juga
anggota Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM) atas nama Kartu Kuning Yoman alias Yogor
Telenggen (30 tahun) ke Kejari Manokwari, Rabu 23 Januari 2019.
Kepala Seksi (Kasi) Intelijen Kejari Nabire, Mangasi Simanjuntak, SH, MH
menjelaskan, pemindahan terdakwa dan barang bukti ke Kejari Manokwari supaya
perkara itu bisa disidangkan di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Manokwari.
“Pemindahan ke
Manokwari atas alasan keamanan, mengingat Kabupaten Nabire berdekatan dengan
beberapa markas OPM yang kita curigai berpotensi menimbulkan kendala keamanan, jika perkara ini kita sidangkan di sana,” kata
Simanjuntak kepada para wartawan di Kejari Manokwari, pada tanggal 23 januari 2019.
Atas dasar itulah,
sambung Simanjuntak, pihaknya mengajukan permohonan ke Mahkamah Agung (MA) dan
mendapatkan persetujuan melalui Fatwa MA Nomor: 271/KMA/SK/XII/2018, yang
menyetujui persidangan digelar di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Manokwari dengan
alasan faktor keamanan.
Selain tersangka,
ia mengatakan, pihak kejaksaan juga melimpahkan barang bukti berupa 1 senjata
api (senpi) laras pendek berupa pistol jenis Pindad G2 Combat berstiker Bintang
Kejora dan 1 amunisi.
Diungkapkan Kepala Seksi (Kasi) Intelijen,
pistol itu milik anggota Kopassus atas nama Pratu Sandi Noviana (korban
penembakan OPM), yang dirampas terdakwa setelah menembak mati korban di Pasar
Sinak, Kabupaten Puncak, Papua, 12 Februari 2018 silam.
Atas perbuatannya,
Kartu Kuning Yoman dijerat dengan Pasal 340 KUHP, Pasal 1 Ayat 1 Undang-undang
Darurat Republik Indonesia Nomor 12 Tahun 1951 dan Pasal 365 KUHP jo Pasal 64
“Untuk penahanan
terhadap tersangka saat ini kita serahkan ke pihak Kejari Manokwari sambil
menunggu penetapan persidangan,” katanya.
Sementara itu,
Kajari Manokwari, Togging Banjar Nahor, SH, MAP mengungkapkan, untuk alasan
keamanan, sementara tersangka akan dititipkan di rumah tahanan Mako Brimob
Polda Papua Barat di Manokwari sambil menunggu
jadwal persidangannya.
Dan selanjutnya, pada tanggal 3 Mei 2019 Yogor
Telenggen di Tuntut Hukuman Mati Oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum di Pengadilan Negeri
Manokwari Papua Barat. Dengan melihat Tuntutan Jaksa Penuntut Umum yang tidak
adil ini, maka TPNPB-OPM mengeluarkan Pernyataan Bersyarat.
TPNPB-OPM Atas Tuntutan Hukuman Mati terhadap Yogor Telenggen oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum
Dalam kasus ancaman Hukuman mati terhadap Yogor
Telenggen ini, maka kami dari TPNPB-OPM meminta Perhatian oleh Lembaga-Lembaga
HAM di seluruh dunia dan juga oleh semua pihak yang peduli akan kemanusaiaan
bahwa mendesak Indonesia untuk batalkan Hukuman mati bagi Pejuang Pembebasan
Papua Barat atas nama Yogor Telenggen.
Karena prefektif hukum
Yogor Telenggen adalah anggota militer
TPNPB Dan menembak musuh yang lawan yaitu anggota militer dan
Polisi Indonesia, oleh
karena itu kami menilai bahwa jaksa salah dalam dakwaan.
Karena dalam dakwaan Jaksa Penuntut Umum mengatakan
bahwa pembunuhan
berencana, dalam hal ini kami TPNPB-OPM menilai bahwa dakwaan Jaksa Penuntut Umum tidak benar dan
dakwaan jaksa harus gugur atau dibatalkan demi hukum dan HAM.
Dan ini penembakan terjadi di wilayah
konflik perang, anatar Militer dengan Militer. Bukan pembunuhan
terhadap masyarakat civil, oleh karena itu tidak bisa kategorikan pembunuhan berencana. Dan Yogor sekarang adalah berstatus tahanan Politik, bukan criminal.
Dengan dasar sebagai
Tahanan Politik Papua, maka Indonesia tidak punya hak untuk eksekusi Hukuman
Mati bagi Yogor Telengan. Karena Yogor telenggen adalag Pejuang Pembebasan
Papua Barat dari sayap militer OPM yaitu Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua
Barat (TPNPB-OPM) yang berjuang untuk Hak Politik Bangsa Papua untuk menentukan
Nasib Sendiri.
Dalam hal ini tuntutan
TPNPB-OPM tidak banyak, tapi hanya dua. Yaitu pertama, Presiden Indonesia segera
batalkan Hukuman Mati bagi Pejuang Kemerdekaan Papua Barat Atas Nama Yogor
Telenggen; Kedua, jika tidak mengindahkan permintaan kami maka TPNPB-OPM akan
membalas dengan cara militer TPNPB.
Demikian Pernyataan Kami
TPNPB-OPM keluarkan untuk dapat menjadi perhatian oleh semua pihak, dan dapat
dilaksanakannya. Terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik.
Dikeluarkan dari Markas
Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB, pada hari minggu tanggal 5 Mei 2019. Dan diteruskan kepada
semua journalists dan Para Pekerja HAM di seluruh dunai oleh Juru Bicara KOMNAS
TPNPB Tuan Sebby Sambom.
Published by Admin
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