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Copy of Written interview by Online Republika Journalist (Fitriyan
Zamzamy) with Tembagapura Defense Region Commander of TPNPB-OPM (Bridgen Ayub
Waker) was Published on November 4th 2017
Online Republika Journalist (Fitriyan Zamzamy) Question:
1. What is your group's reason for attacking the NKRI apparatus lately?
1. What is your group's reason for attacking the NKRI apparatus lately?
Answered by Bridgen Ayub Waker that:
The reason for the attack. Our National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM) is fighting for political rights of Self-Determination or full independence as other nation of the world, from colonialism by Indonesia. And the West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) fought was started sence 1965 until now, only to gain full independence over West Papua, from the hands of Indonesia Colonialism and occupation.
Online Repbulika Journalist (Fitriyan Zamzamy) Question:
2. Why should the attack location be in Tembagapura and near the Freeport Mine company?
Bridgen Ayub Waker Answered that:
Because since Freeport is the root of the West Papua problems, which for the sake of the Gold Mining property in Tembagapura West, so West Papua was annexed to Indonesia by the United States, the United Nations and the Indonesian military through TRIKORA Operation under the instructions by Soekarno the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
3. Brimob (Indonesian Police Mobile Brigader) fielded additional troops to Tembagapura West PApua, did West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) also bring in additional troops?
Bridgen Ayub Waker Answered that:
Indeed, the West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) has ordered to immediately deploy troops from another Regions Commanders (Kodap) to Tembagapura, Papua to assist and strengthen the TPNPB defense.
Online Republika Journalist (Fitriyan Zamzamy) Question:
4. There are allegations from Jakarta that the West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) intimidates the people around Tembagapura. Is it true?
Bridgen Ayub Waker Answered that:
We know it's a community so we do not disturb them, but we tell them to flee to safety places because we want to fight with the Indonesian military. And after they has evacuated, precisely from the apparatus or the Indonesian Police who seized the gold, money and others belonging to the community. Therefore do not twist the facts, because we are fighting for the People and our Country of West Papua.
We know it's a community so we do not disturb them, but we tell them to flee to safety places because we want to fight with the Indonesian military. And after they has evacuated, precisely from the apparatus or the Indonesian Police who seized the gold, money and others belonging to the community. Therefore do not twist the facts, because we are fighting for the People and our Country of West Papua.
Online Republika Journalist (Fitriyan Zamzamy) Question:
For example, Such as Jakarta invites you to
dialogue to end the violent acts committed lately. Will you
accept the dialog?
Ayub Waker Answered that:
are fighting not for dialogue, but we ask for high-level negociation talks,
which can be mediated by neutral third parties, and in neutral places as well. Our
demands to Indonesia, the United States, the Netherlands and the United Nations
are immediately responsible for violations of our Political Rights for independence,
which they been violated in 1963-1969, where the Annexation of Papua into the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) unilaterally. And
immediately set the pace for the International negotiations for a new Referendum
in West Papua as well as soon.
Republika Journalist (Fitriyan Zamzamy) Question:
A number of parties in Jakarta's demands for independence can be mitigated by
the welfare of Indigenous Papuans. Its that true?
AYub Waker Answered that:
will not be able to silence aspirations of
the struggle of the Papuans people to independence themselves, through
prosperity. It
was the nightmare of Jakarta, the Papuans ideology for independence has been
embedded in every soul and self of the Papuans themselves. What's
more the young generation of Papuans rise up and opponents of Indonesian now. Therefore,
the National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM) is more vigorous for the
war against Indonesia. Remember
that war is our culture, therefore we are ready to opposed the invaders of
Online Republika Jurnalist (Fitriyan Zamzamy) Question:
There are also those who point out that the shootings were conducted related to
the Papua Elections which will soon be held. What do you think?
Ayub Waker Answered that:
military of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) nothing to do with Indonesians
Elections and others programms. We are fighting only for Papua independence by
Indonesians brutaly armed. We Denfens our own lands and the people of West Papua
until now.
Online Republika Jurnalist (Fitriyan Zamzamy) Question:
Like the West Papua National Liberation Army soldiers (TPNPB-OPM), Indonesians
Soldiers and the Polices personil also have families who are sad for their
deaths. What
is your message to them?
Ayub Waker Answered that:
convey to the victim's family that please complain to Indonesians Police
Commisioner and Indonesians Military Commander in Papua ans Jakarta Indonesia,
because they are the brain of war conflicts in West Papua. We
ask for the Independence to the Government of Indonesia in a polite and
peaceful manner, but the Government through its security apparatus always
creates war conflicts in West Papua since May 1st, 1963 until now.
Republika Journalist (Fitriyan Zamzamy) Question:
What are your conditions for Jakarta to allow the shootings to stop?
Ayub Waker Answered that:
must and immediately open up to be willing to sit at the negotiating table in
order to enter into a permanent binding agreement to implement the referendum
in West Papua in accordance with International Law standards, under the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article 1 Paragraphs 1,2
and 3, as well by
virtue of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People in
Articles 3 and 4 of the following: Every Indigenous people shall have the right
to self determination.
Additionally, West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM)
clarification of the Opinion of Raped a women in Tembagapura which is insulted
by the Indonesian Police:
Indonesians Polices charges of raped committed by members
of the West Papua National Liberation Army are not true. We reject the
allegations. Why? Because of our habit of Papuans Indigenous from the Central
Highlands of Papua it is not unusual to have sex with women during the war,
even if the wife. And this customary law is valid until now. Raped We judge
that it is the Indonesians Polices doing, in order to discredit the National
Liberation Army of West Papua.
Similarly, this answer was sent from Tembagapura through TPNPB-OPM courier to
Mr. Sebby Sambom a spokesperson of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM)’s
to proceed to Journalist who has sent this questions. Sorry, we are late to
reply because the field coordination is slow.
Note: In the meantime, West Papua National Liberation
Army (TPNPB-OPM) leaders who are leading the war can not directly communicate
with journalists, all information through TPNPB Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom.
Then it may be based, if there is a caveat from the Leaders of TPNPB which
leads War in Tembagapura, PANGKODAP TPNPB Tembagapura, Papua Bridgen Ayub Waker
and PANGKODAP III Kali Coffee Timika Bridgen Willian Kemong.
Thank you for your good cooperation. God bless
us all.
Translated, Edited and Republished by,
Spokesperson for TPNPB
West Papuans Human Rights Defender
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TPNPB-OPM Personil at Tembagapura, Freeport Mine Area West Papua on November 2017 |
9 Points Hasil Wawancara Wartawan
Republika Online Dengan PangKoDap TPNPB Bridgen Ayub Waker Per November 1st
2017 & Jawabannya
Republika Online:
1. Apakah alasan kelompok Anda melakukan
penyerangan terhadap aparat NKRI
belakangan ini?
Bridgen Ayub Waker:
Alasan penyerangan. Kami Tentara
Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) berjuang untuk mendapatkan hak
politikPenentuan Nasib Sendiri atau merdeka penuh sebangai bangsa bangsa lain
dimuka bumi, dari penjajahan oleh Indonesia. Dan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional
Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) berjuang dari sejak tahun 1965 sampai kini, hanya untuk
memperoleh kemerdekaan penuh atas Papua Barat, dari tangan Kolonial Indonesia.
Repbulika Online:
2. Mengapa lokasi penyerangan harus di Tembagapura
dan dekat Perusahaan Tambang Freeport?
Bridgen Ayub Waker:
Freeport adalah akar masalah Papua, yang mana demi kekayaan Tambang Emas di Tembagapura
maka Papua Barat dianeksasi ke Indonesia oleh Amerika, PBB dan militer
Indonesia melalui TRIKORA dibawah intruksi Peresiden Soekarno.
Republika Online:
3. Brimob Polri menerjunkan pasukan
tambahan ke Tembagapura, apakah TPNPB juga mendatangkan pasukan tambahan?
Bridgen Ayub Waker:
Ya tentu, Tentara Pembebasan NAsional
Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) telah perintahkan untuk segera terjunkan pasukan dari
Kodap lain ke Tembagapura, Papua untuk membantu dan memberkuat pertahanan TPNPB.
Republika Online:
4. Ada tudingan dari Jakarta bahwa Tentara
Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) melakukan intimidasi terhadap warga
sekitar Tembagapura. Benarkah?
Bridgen Atub Waker:
Kami tau itu masyarakat maka kami tidak menganggu mereka,
tetapi kami suruh mereka mengungsi ke tempat yang aman karena kami mau perang
dengan militer Indonesia. Dan setelah mereka mengungsi, justru dari aparat atau Polisi Indonesia itu
yang merampas emas, uang dlain-lainll milik masyarakat. Oleh karena itu jangan putar-balik
fakta, karena kami berjuang untuk Rakyat dan Negeri kami West Papua.
Republika Online:
5. Semisal Jakarta mengajak Anda
berdialog untuk mengahiri aksi kekerasan
yang dilakukan belakangan ini. Apakah Anda akan terima dialog tersebut?
Bridgen Ayub Waker:
Kami berjuang bukan untuk dialog,
tapi kami minta perundingan tingkat tinggi, yang dapat dimediasi oleh pihak
ketiga yang netral, dan di tempat yang netral pula. Tuntutan kami kepada
Indonesia, Amerika serikat, Belanda dan PBB segera bertanggungjawab atas
pelanggaran Hak Politik kami untuk
merdeka sendiri, yang mana telah mereka langgar tahun 1963-1969, dimana
Aneksasi Papua kedalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) sepihak. Dan
segera atur langkah untuk perundingan Internasional.
Republika Online:
6. Sejumlah pihak di Jakarta tuntutan
kemerdekaan bisa diredam dengan kesejahteraan terhadap warga Asli Papua. Apakah
benar begitu?
Bridgen AYub Waker:
tidak akan mampu membungkam aspirasi perjuangan bangsa Papua untuk merdeka
sendiri, dengan melalui kesejahteraan. Itu mimpi buruk Jakarta, ideologi Bangsa
Papua untuk merdeka telah tertanam dalam setiap jiwa dan diri orang Papua itu
sendiri. Apa lagi generasi muda Papua bangkit dan lawan Indonesia sekarang.
Oleh karena itu, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) lebih
semangat lagi untuk perang lawan Indonesia. Ingat perang itu budaya kami, oleh
karena itu kami siap lawan Penjajah NKRI.
Wartawan Republlika
7. Ada juga yang menuding bahwa
penembakan-penembakan dilakukan terkait Pilkada Papua yang sebentar lagi akan
digelar. Bagaimana menurut Anda?
Bridgen Ayub Waker:
Kami militer TPNPB tidak ada urusan dengan pilkada, pilgub
dan lain lain kami berjuang hanya untuk Papua merdeka.
8. Seperti prajurit Tentara Pembebasan
Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM), Prajurut TNI/POLRI juga memiliki keluarga
yang bersedih atas kematian mereka. Apa pesan Anda terhadap mereka?
Bridgen Ayub Waker:
sampaikan kepada keluarga korban bahwa silahkan complain kepada Kapolda dan
Pangdam, karena merekalah otak pemicuh perang di West Papua. Kami kan minta
Merdeka kepada Pemerintah Indonesia secara sopan dan damai, namun Pemrintah
melalui Aparat keamanannya selalu ciptakan konflik perang di West Papua dari
sejak tanggal 1 Mei 1963 sampai kini.
Republika Online:
9. Apa syarat yang anda ajukan ke
Jakarta agar penembakan-penembakan dapat dihentikan?
Bridgen Ayub Waker:
Jakarat harus dan segera membuka diri
untuk bersedia duduk di meja perundingan, guna melakukan perjanjian yang
mengikat hukum tetap guna melaksanakan Referendum di West Papua sesuai standard
Hukum Internasional, berdasarkan kovenan Internasiona atas Hak Sivil dan
Politik Pasal 1 Ayat 1,2, dan 3, juga berdasarkan United Nations Declaration on
the Rights of Indigenous people pada article 3 dan 4 berbnyi sebagai berikut:
Every Indigenous people shall have the right to self determination (setiap
orang pribumi mempunyai hak untuk menentukan nasib sendiri.
klarifikasi TPNPB atas Opini Pemerkoasaan yang di isukan ole Polisi Indonesia:
Polisi atas pemerkosaan yang telah dilakukan oleh anggota Tentara Pembebasan
Nasional Papua Barat itu tidak benar, Kami menolak duduhan itu. Mengapa? Karena
kebiasaan kami orang Asli dari Pegunungan Tengah Papua tidak biasa lakukan
hubungan intim dengan wanita saat perang, sekalipun istri. Dan Hukum adat ini
berlaku sampai kini. Pemerkosaan Itu kami menilai bahwa itu Polisi yang
lakukan, guna memojokan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat.
jawaban ini dikirim dari Tembagapura melalui kurir TPNPB-OPM kepada Jubir TPNPB
Mr. Sebby Sambom untuk dilanjutkan kepada Wartawan yang telah mengirim
pertanyaan ini.
kami terlambat membalas karena koordinasi lapangan lambat.
Catatan: Untuk sementara pimpinan TPNPB yang
sedang pimpin perang tidak dapat dilakukan komunikasi langsung dengan jurnalis,
semua informasi lewat Juru Bicara TPNPB Tuan Sebby Sambom. Kemudian mungkin
bias, jika ada persetuan dari Pimpinan TPNPB yang pimpin Perang di Tembagapura,
PANGKODAP TPNPB Tembagapura, Papua Bridgen Ayub Waker dan PANGKODAP III Kali
Kopi Timika Willian Kemong. Terima
kasih atas kerja sama yang baik. Tuhan memberkati kita semua.
Translated, Edited and Republished
Sebby Sambom
Juru Bicara TPNPB
West Papuans Human Rights Defender
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