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Friday 10 November 2017

TPNPB-OPM: No Hostage in Banti & Kembeli Tembagapura West Papua

The members of  West Papua NAtional Liberatiom Army in Tembagapura, West Papua November 2017


The latest reported is directly from Tembagapura West Papua on November 9th , 2017 at 5 pm West Papua Time, related to hostage issues in Banti and Kembeli which have been spread out in several online media.

The National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM) through courier has reported to the TPNPB spokesperson Mr. Sebby Sambom that the news about 1000 Papuans and 300 Citizens from Toraja, Sulawesi in hostages by TPNPB / OPM in Banti and Kembeli Tembagapura, Papua is very incorrect information.

We have stated before that our enemy is not with civil society, but our enemy is Indonesian Military and Police, Field Commander of TPNPB-OPM from Tembagapura said by cellular phone to Local Awakening Commission of Komnas TPNPBNews this afternoon at 5pm, directly from Tembagapura West Papua.

The leader of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) has said that it is true that we have forbidden the people not to go to Timika, because the people who are required to evacuate are military and police actions, with the intention of conducting a massive military operations in Tembagapura, West Papua.

The West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) relationship with the people of Banti and Kembeli is harmonious and well-controlled and safe.
The people remain safe and there is no problem because our enemy is the only Indonesians Military and the Police, therefore we will still oppose the Indonesian Military and the Police.

Previously, Police Chief of Police Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar along with Commander XVII / Cenderawasih, Maj. Gen. George Elnadus Supit said that 1,300 people hostage by West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) were very lie to public.

Sirs of the Indonesian Army and Police Leaders should not seek the truth in a fraudulent way through the publication of cheap and poor news of propaganda.

We National Liberation Army of West Papua very understand and know that the way the Indonesian Military and Police Chief is looking for legitimacy in order to blame us, but we are not that stupid. We know very well the paranoia of military action, and always make cheap and poor propagandas for public provocation.

Nevertheless, we continue to state that our demands are clear that we are raising arms and fighting only for the Political Rights of Self-Determination for the Melanesians people of West Papua.

Therefore, on this occasion our West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) conveyed to the Indonesian Chief of Police in Papua and also to the Indonesian Military Commander in Papua three things,
which is an Official Statement above.

The National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM) expressly states that,
1. For whatever reason we are not at all a hostage of civilians here, in Banti and in Kembeli, Tembagapura West Papua;
2. Our National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM) strongly rejects all kinds of stability conveyed by the Indonesian Police and Army Leaders who always throws us TPNPB-OPM;
3. We are the National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM) Ready for war against opponents of the Indonesian Army and Police Forces until Papua Merdeka (Free West Papua).

This is the latest report from Tembagapura, West Papua. Thus, these reports and statements we make and convey to the public according to the facts and situations of community security in Banti and Kembeli, Tembagapuara West Papua.

Translated, edited and published by,
Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of TPNPB
West Papuans Human Rights Defender

Former West Papuan Political Prisoner
Anggota TPNPB-OPM November 2017 di Tembagapura, West PApua


TPNPB-OPM: Tidak Ada Penyanderaan di Banti & Kembeli Tembagapura West Papua  

Laporan terkini langsung dari Tembagapura West Papua pada tanggal 9 November 2017 pukul 5 Sore Waktu Papua Barat, terkait isu penyanderaan di Banti dan Kembeli yang mana telah di sebar luaskan di beberapa media online. 

Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat T(PNPB-OPM) melalui kurir telah melaporkan kepada Jubir TPNPB bahwa berita tentang 1000 warga Masyarakat Asli Papua dan 300 Warga Masyarakat dari Toraja, Sulawesi di sandera oleh TPNPB/OPM di Banti dan Kembeli Tembagapura, Papua itu sangat tidak benar. 

Kami sudah sampaikan sebelumnya bahwa musuh kami bukan dengan Masyarakat civil, tetapi musuh kami adalah Militer dan Polisi Indonesia,  kata Komadan Lapangan melalui telepon selulernya kepada Awak Lokal Komnas TPNPBNews tadi sore pukul 5:30, langsung dari Tembagapura Papua Barat. 

Pimpinan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB) telah mengatakan bahwa benar kami larang masyarakat jangan pengungsi ke Timika, karena yang perintahkan untuk masyarakat harus mengungsi itu tindakan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia, dengan tujuan hendak melakukan Operasi Militer besar-besaran. 

Hubungan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB) dengan masyarakat di Banti dan Kembeli harmonis dan baik-baik saja, dan aman terkendali. 

 Masyarakat tetap aman dan tidak ada masalah karena musuh kami adalah Militer dan Polisi Indonesia, oleh karena itu kami tetap akan lawan dengan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia. 

Sebelumnya, Kapolda Papua Irjen Polisi Boy Rafli Amar bersama Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih, Mayjen TNI George Elnadus Supit mengatakan bahwa 1,300 Warga di sandera Oleh Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) itu sangat bohong.

Bapak-Bapak Pimpinan Tentara dan Polisi Indonesia jangan cari kebenaran dengan cara yang curang melalui publikasi berita propaganda murahan. 

Kami Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat sangat paham dan mengetahui bahwa cara para Pimpinan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia adalah mencari legitimasi dengan tujuan untuk salahkan kami, tetapi kami tidak sebodoh itu. Kami tahu benar tindakan militer yang paranoia, dan selalu melakukan propaganda murahan untuk provokasi public. 

Kendati demikian, kami tetap sampaikan bahwa tuntutan kami jelas yaitu angkat senjata dan berjuang hanya untuk Hak Politik Penentuan Nasib Sendiri. 

Oleh karena itu, pada kesempatan ini kami Tentara Pembebasan NAsional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) sampaikan kepada Kepala Polisi Indonesia di Papua dan juga kepada Panglima Daerah Militer Indonesia di Papua tiga hal, yang merupakan pernyatan Resmi. 

Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) dengan tegas menyatakan bahwa,

1.    Dengan alasan apapun kami sama sekali tidak sandera warga civil di sini,  di Banti dan di Kembeli, Tembagapura West Papua;
2.    Kami Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) menolak dengan tegas atas segala macam stikma yang di sampaikan oleh Pimpinan Polisi dan Tentara Indonesia yang selalu lontarkan kepada kami TPNPB-OPM;
3.    Kami Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) Siap perang untuk lawan Pasukan Tentara dan Polisi Indonesia sampai Papua Merdeka. 

Ini laporan terkini dari Tembagapura, West Papua. Demikian, laporan dan pernyataan ini kami buat dan sampaikan kepada public sesuai fakta dan situasi kemanan masyarakat di Banti dan Kembeli, Tembagapuara West Papua. 
Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda!
Translated, edited and published by,
Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of TPNPB
West Papuans Human Rights Defender
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

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