1. All Defence Headquarters have been given the opportunity to participate in the Summit of TPN-OPM, as a form of appreciation for the services in the struggle for last 50th years;
2. In this case, almost all defence of TPN-OPM from Sorong to
Merauke has delegated their envoy to the success of the summit of TPN-OPM at
Prewomi Headquarted in Biak on May 2012;
3. Unless the Chief of Defence only three who did not
participate or did not sent a delegation or not give recommendation on the
grounds that their defence based Management Command, namely Chief Gen. Mathias
Wenda, Late Bridgen Richard Joweny, and Bridgen Herman Abubakar Wenda;
4. Referring to the three points of note above, it can be
explained more complete of the three leaders of the main reasons as follows:
Gen. Mathias Wenda been sent a delegation to the summit Pre of TPN-OPM under the leadership of Mr. Simson
Yikwa, and stated that "Gen. Mathias Wenda will not participate in the
Summit of TPN-OPM in Biak, because Gen. Mathias Wenda has made his own
organization, namely the Revolutionary Army of West Papua. Therefore, anyone
who wants to join TRWP please, constitution and organizational structure is
ready ". This statement be delivered directly by envoy of Gen. Mathias
Wenda in the pre summit of TPN-OPM in Maribu on February 15th, 2012;
5. Bridgen Richard Joweny not participate in the Summit of
TPN-OPM in Biak, because at the time of the pre summit of TPN-OPM in Maribu
dated on February 15th,
2012, Bridgen Richard Joweny have sent a
letter through the Savior speech by (Col.
Jonah Wenda) and stated that Bridgen Richard Joweny not coming on the summit of
TPN-OPM, because Brigend Richard Joweny has became the chairman of WPNCL;
6. Mr. Herman Abubakar Wenda and his group there has been no
official statement on the implementation of the TPN-OPM Summit in 2012;
7. Mr. Danny Kogoya and delegation (Victoria, Bewani
Headquarters) resigned (wallout) of TPN-OPM Assembly summit on the second day
(on May 2th, 2012), with the excuse that they've Select Danny Kogoya be
Commander in Chief of TPN-OPM at Victoria, Bewani, PNG in 2011 the last year,
through the Congress of TPN-OPM; Thus,
important notes included in the report, in order to be noticed by all parties.
After we read and studied the important notes on the
implementation of the TPN-OPM Summit in Biak West Papua in May 2012 above, we
conclude that the TPNPB-OPM is now joining the National Command under the
Commander-in-Chief of Gen. Goliath
Tabuni will continue the struggle.
And in accordance with the decision of the TPN-OPM Summit in Biak West Papua 2012, the National Command of TPNPB has been working for last five years to improve the structure and management of the West Papua National Liberation Army's of wing organization and the recruitment of personnel and has built permanent headquarters in junggle of West Papua.
From the work of the National Command of TPNPB team, 29th District Defense Command (KODAP) have been prepared in all Papua Land from Sorong to Merauke.
With this preparation, the National Command of TPNPB with the West Papua People is ready to do Revolution Stages and Total Revolution, anytime in all the land of Papua to oppose Colonial Forces of the Republic of Indonesia.
Thus, this important note was issued from the management of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) of military wing organization in order to be known and concerned by all parties.
This note may be excluded from the National Headquarters of TPNPB
on behalf of the High Commander and issued by the National Command of TPNPB Management. The Central Headquarters of TPNPB responsibility of the note issued.
And in accordance with the decision of the TPN-OPM Summit in Biak West Papua 2012, the National Command of TPNPB has been working for last five years to improve the structure and management of the West Papua National Liberation Army's of wing organization and the recruitment of personnel and has built permanent headquarters in junggle of West Papua.
From the work of the National Command of TPNPB team, 29th District Defense Command (KODAP) have been prepared in all Papua Land from Sorong to Merauke.
With this preparation, the National Command of TPNPB with the West Papua People is ready to do Revolution Stages and Total Revolution, anytime in all the land of Papua to oppose Colonial Forces of the Republic of Indonesia.
Thus, this important note was issued from the management of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) of military wing organization in order to be known and concerned by all parties.
This note may be excluded from the National Headquarters of TPNPB
on behalf of the High Commander and issued by the National Command of TPNPB Management. The Central Headquarters of TPNPB responsibility of the note issued.
INDONESIAN (Dalam Bahasa
Tentang Pelaksanaan
2012 di Biak Papua Barat
1. Semua Markas Pertahanan telah diberikan kesempatan untuk
ikut-serta dalam Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi TPN-OPM, sebagai bentuk penghargaan
atas jasa dalam perjuangan selama 50 tahun;
2. Dalam hal ini, hampir semua pertahanan TPN-OPM dari Sorong
sampai Merauke telah mendelegasikan utusannya untuk mensukseskan KTT TPN-OPM di
Biak Mei 2012;
3. Kecuali hanya tiga Pimpinan Pertahanan yang tidak ikut serta
atau tidak mengutus delegasi ataupun tidak memberikan Rekomendasi dengan alasan
yang berdasarkan Manajemen Komando pertahanan mereka, yaitu Pimpinan Gen.
Mathias Wenda, Bridgen Richard Joweny, dan Bridgen Herman Abubakar Wenda.
4. Merujuk dari poin ketiga dari catatan di atas, maka dapat
dijelaskan lebih kongritnya atas alasan utama
dari ketiga pimpinan sebagai berikut: Gen. Mathias Wenda mengirim
Delegasi dalam Pra KTT TPN-OPM dibawah pimpinan Tuan Simson Jikwa, dan menyatakan
bahwa “Gen. Mathias Wenda tidak akan ikut serta dalam KTT TPN-OPM di Biak,
karena Gen. Mathias Wenda telah membuat
organisasi sendiri yaitu Tentara Revolusi Papua Barat. Oleh karena itu siapa
saja mau bergabung ke TRWP silakan, konstitusi dan struktur organisasi sudah
siap”. Pernyataan ini disapaikan langsung oleh utusan Gen. Mathias Wenda dalam
pra KTT TPN-OPM di Maribu pada tanggal 15 Februari 2012;
5. Bridgen Richard Joweny tidak ikut serta dalam KTT TPN-OPM di
Biak, karena pada saat pra KTT TPN-OPM di Maribu tanggal 15 Februari 2012,
Bridgen Richard Joweny telah mengirim surat melalui Juru Bicaranya (Col. Jonah
Wenda) dan menyatakan bahwa Bridgen Richard Joweny tidak akan ikut KTT TPN-OPM,
karena Brigend Richard Joweny telah menjadi ketua WPNC. Maka secara otomatis
semua pertahanan TPN dibawah Komando Almarhum Richard Yoweni, tidak mau ikut
6. Tuan Herman Abubakar Wenda dan kelompoknya belum ada
pernyataan resmi dalam pelaksanaan KTT TPN-OPM 2012;
7. Tuan Danny Kogoya dan delegasinya (dari Markas Victoria,
Bewani) mengundurkan diri (wallout) dari Sidang KTT TPN-OPM pada hari kedua
(tanggal 2 Mei 2012), dengan beralasan bahwa mereka sudah
Pilih Danny Kogoya menjadi Panglima Tinggi TPN-OPM di Victoria, Bewani, PNG
dalam tahun 2011 yang lalu, melalui Kongres TPN-OPM;
Setelah kita
membaca dan mempelajari seksama atas catatan penting tentang pelaksanaan KTT
TPN-OPM di Biak West Papua pada Mei 2012 di atas, maka kita ambil kesimpulan
bahwa TPNPB-OPM yang sekarang bergabung dalam Komando Nasional dibawah Pimpinan
Panglima Tinggi Gen. Goliath Tabuni akan terus melanjutkan perjuangan.
Dan sesuai
hasil keputusan KTT TPN-OPM di Biak West Papua 2012, maka TPNPB Komando Nasional
telah kerja lima tahun untuk membenahi struktur serta manajemen Organisa sayap
militer Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat serta rekrut personil dan telah
membangun markas-markas permanene di rimbah raya Papua.
Dari hasil
kerja tim pusat TPNPB Komando Nasional, telah siapkan 29 Komando Daerah
Pertahanan (KODAP) di seluruh Tanah Papua yaitu dari Sorong Sampai di Merauke.
persiapan ini, TPNPB Komando Nasional bersama Rakyat West Papua siap untuk
lakukan Revolusi Tahapan dan Revolusi Total, kapan saja di seluruh tanah Papua
untuk lawan Pasukan Kolonial Republik Indonesia.
Demikian, catatan penting ini dikeluarkan
dari manajemen organisasi sayap militer Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat
(TPNPB) guna dapat diketahui dan menjadi
perhatian oleh semua pihak.[1]
Catatan ini
dapat dikeluarkan dari Markas Pusat Komnas TPNPB
atas nama Panglima
Tinggi, oleh Manajemen Komnas TPNPB.
Jawab: Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB.
Konsolidasi telah dilakukan selama satu tahun, yaitu dari
ke pertahanan di seluruh Wilayah Papua
Barat, termasuk markas Pemimpin
yang nama mereka disebutkan di atas. Tim telah bekerja keras
untuk menghadirkan
semua Pemimpin, dan
hasilnya telah dapat dijelaskan diatas. Ini adalah perjuangan
demi menghasilkan cita-cita
Rakyat Bangsa Papua Barat untuk berdaulat penuh,
tanpa penjajahan oleh bangsa manapun.
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