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Sunday 20 October 2019

Every Papuan Childs Knows of Free Papua From Since They Are Was in the Mother Womb

The young boy who hold bow and arrows is Wimane H Sambom were he was three years old, this article described on West Papuans Children's Ideology of Free West Papua (pic doc SS) taken on April 2th 2019 and this boy was 10 Years old now
Papuan childrens from baby they have the ideology of a Free Papua, and they are more than 1st year old they already know the struggle for independence of Papua.

This is evident from the enthusiasm of Papuan childrens in the struggle. For example Wimane Humble Sambom, he once been cried for drawing his  cowboy hat painted into the Morning Star Flag, the national flag of West Papua.
WimaneS when 9th years old, Sept 16th 2018 on PNG 43th Independent
This happened at the age of three, on event of a demonstration in front of the Abepura Post Office in Jayapura West Papua where the late Mako Tabuni was the last to make a speech, namely in April 2th 2012.

And after this child had begun to grow up, he began to work on his own to draw the Morning Star Flag. He also always drew flags from all countries that supported of Free Papua, including the Aceh National flag he had drawn.

By seeing this reality, we convey to Indonesian Government that the Papuans Ideologo for the Political Rights of Self-Determination will not be killed by Indonesian using military and police weapons, because all Papuan childrens from their mothers wombs since they have known their ideology of Free Papua, and it flows through the blood of a mother and their father's genes.

We salute and appreciate this, and we pray that the childrens of Papua will bless by God always. Please show the photos on publishing article.

The Papuan National Awakening Indonesian will not be opposed, therefore we suggest that Indonesia must acknowledge this and be willing to sit at the Negotiation Table with the TPNPB-OPM and all elements of the Papua Championship.

Justice for West Papuans and UN must be responsible of the Papuans suffering under Indonesian occupation and killing. 

Videos about children fighting in the forest may follow here,
Note: This time we are publishing an article about the Struggle of Papuan Childrens, this we do to for appreciate the struggle of childrens who are the next generation of the Struggle of the Papuan nation.

As Wimane grew, he began to draw flags from all regions and countries that supported of Free Papua (pic Wimane Sambom)
Setiap Anak Papua Mengenal Papua Merdeka Dari Sejak Mereka di Kandungan Rahim Ibu

Anak-anak Papua dari sejak bayi sudah mempunya ideologi Papua Merdeka, dan mereka beranjak umur 1 tahun lebih mereka sudah mengetahui Perjuangan Papua merdeka. 
Gambar Karya Wimane Sambom
Hal ini terbukti dari semangat anak-anak Papua dalam perjuangan. Contohnya Wimane Humble Sambom, dia pernah menangis untuk pilots dia punya topi koboy dicat menjadi Bendera Bintang Fajar.

Hal ini pernah terjadi pada usia tiga tahun, yaitu demo di Depan Kantor Post Abepura dimana Almarhum Mako Tabuni terkhir kali berpidato, yaitu pada Bulan April 2012. 

Dan setelah anak ini sudah Mulai besar, dia mulai kerja sendiri untuk menggambar Bendera Bintang Fajar. Dia juga selalu menggambar bendera dari semua Negara yang mendukung Papua merdeka, termasuk bendera Aceh dia pernah gambar. 
Wimane Sambom Drown Image 2019

Dengan melihat kenyataan ini, maka Kami sampaikan kepada Indonesia bahwa Ideologo bangsa Papua untuk Hak Politik Penentuan Nasib Sendiri tidak akan dibunuh oleh Indonesia dengan menggunakan senjata Militer dan Polisi Indonesia, karena semua anak-anak Papua dari sejak ada di rahim ibu mereka sudah mengenal Papua merdeka, dan itu mengalir melalui darah sangan ibu dan turunan dari gen seorang ayah mereka. 

Kita Salut dan apresiasi ini, dan Kami berdoa supaya anak-anak Papua Tuhan memberkati selalu. Silakan lihat potosnya dalam article yang Kami publikasikan. 

Kebangkita Nasional Bangsa Papua Indonesia tidak akan lawan, oleh karena itu Kami sarankan bahwa Indonesia harus akui hal ini dan bersedia duduk di Meja Perundingan bersama TPNPB-OPM dan semua Elemen Perjuagan Papua. 

Videos tentang anak-anak ikut berjuang di hutan boleh ikuti disini, atau boleh lihat link video di article dalam bahasa Inggris di atas. 

Note: Kali ini kami publikasi article tentang Perjuangan Anak-Anak Papua, hal ini kami lakukan untuk menghargai perjuanga anak-anak yang merupakan generasi penerus Perjuangan bangsa Papua.

Publish by Admin

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